She’d been out of hope for quite some time. Maybe when she moved to Wilde, the dreams she had night after night about the Ryder brothers would finally end.

Chapter Two

“Where is everyone, Katy?” Mick looked around the empty clinic’s waiting room. He really didn’t care where everyone was. He only cared about where Paris was, the woman of his dreams, with violet eyes and silky skin. “This is the quietest this place has been in ages.”

“Won’t be for long. Amber may be having her baby.” Dustin’s spitfire nurse smiled.

He liked Katy, though she really wasn’t his type. Too much of a tree hugger for his tastes. She might’ve been fun for a tumble, but nothing serious.

For him there’d been nothing but casual sex for the past ten years. Getting laid was never an issue for him. But anything serious? There hadn’t been even a whisper of it in his life since he and Dustin had lost Paris.

“Katy, did you say Amber is in labor?”

“Oops. I just broke a HIPAA rule. I spoke when I should’ve been listening. Oh well. This is Destiny.”

“Yes, it is. And you’re Katy Miller, who has trouble keeping secrets.” He grinned. “All things are right in the world.”

She laughed. “Hard to believe you and Dustin are brothers. He’s so serious and you’re…well, not. I sometimes feel sorry for Paris.”

Mick didn’t like hearing that. In fact, despite the breakup, he knew Paris still belonged to him. “I can be serious, Katy.”

“Prove it. It’s past time that you three got back together.” She clearly meant Paris, Dustin, and him.

“I’m doing my best on that front.”

“Do better. I remember how happy you three used to be. I remember one specific day when I saw you at Phase Four. I had just turned twenty, which means it was Paris’s birthday, too. Same birthday, though she’s a year younger than me.”

“I know.” He recalled that day, too. Paris had worn a scanty little outfit, which was the norm for the BDSM club. He and Dustin had on their leathers, which were only a year old at the time. They were all three fairly new to BDSM, but all of them had taken to it like ducks to water, especially Paris. She’d blossomed during their training and induction into the club. God, I miss those days.

“We’re both Virgos, you know.” Katy loved her astrology, crystals, and Tarot cards. “I got a reading on you three. Be careful over the next week or so. Turbulent times, Mick.”

“I’ll be careful, Katy.”

“Paris is a beauty. You and Dustin better not wait too long or some other Doms will snatch her up from under your noses.”

A possessive rage roared inside him. “Let them try.” Paris is mine, from her soft dark hair to her silky shoulders to her full breasts. Every curve is mine.

“I’m just saying that there are plenty of single guys in town who would love to date her.”

Recalling the last time he’d seen her naked on his bed, fully exposed with her pussy so very wet, he felt his gut tighten. He hadn’t been a monk the past ten years. There were subs who liked to play without attachment, thankfully. Sex for sex’s sake. It had never been that way with Paris. She was still his world. Somehow, he would win her back for Dustin and him. He just had to be patient.

“She’s not ready to date. Told me so herself. Anyone who tries to date her won’t like what happens to them.”

“Spoken like a true Dom.”

“I do my best, Katy.”

“Your eyes are greener than normal, Mick. Jealous much?” She smiled. “The whole town was so bummed when you three broke up. Phoebe and the Wolfe brothers have proven second chances can work.”

“Yes, they have. I’m very happy for them, and like everyone else in town, I believe some broken relationships can mend. I truly believe ours will, too. We just need a little more time.”

“Bullshit.” Katy stared at him with her fiery eyes. “Take a chance, Mick Ryder. Paris is worth it.”

“She definitely is, but it’s not just up to me.” Because if it were, we’d already be back together.

“You’re right, Mick, but don’t get me wrong. I think your brother is great, but Doc can be so blind sometimes. She’s crazy about him but if he keeps on pushing her I’m afraid she’s going to…well, I don’t know what she’s going to do, but it won’t be good for you two guys I’m sure.”

“Thanks for the pep talk, Katy. I’m here to take Paris and Dustin to lunch. Maybe I can talk some sense into them this time.” Mainly, I need to get through to my brother, with the thick skull.