Dustin shrugged. “Sam, I have to go deliver Destiny’s newest citizen.”

“Amber’s in labor?”

“She is. May I come back to finish this?”

“Do you have any free time tomorrow, Dustin?”

“I’m seeing patients all day.”

“What about tomorrow night? Say seven?”

“I’ll be here.”

“And I’ll have a fresh batch of Ethel’s cookies for us.”

* * * *

Paris snuggled Mick, still shivering from the fifth incredible orgasm he’d given her. “Who knew you could do that with a blender?”

“I did.” He laughed, holding her close.

“You know so much, my powerful Dom.” She enjoyed the feel of his naked muscles next to her skin. “Sustained. Sustained. Sustained.”

“I love you so much, Paris.” His gorgeous green eyes remained fixed on her. “Won’t you please say ‘yes’ to marrying me? We belong together. I know it, and you know it, too.”

His words snapped her instantly back to reality, w

hich was breaking her heart. “Please don’t go there, Mickey.”

“Listen to yourself, baby. You called me ‘Mickey.’” He touched her cheek. “You love me. You told me so. We can make this work. I know we can.”

She sat up in the bed and grabbed his hand. “I do love you. I love you so much. But there is no way I can agree to marrying you. Please try and understand.”

He frowned. “I don’t understand. We’re in love. It should be enough. Why can’t you marry me, Paris?”

With every word that fell from his lips she could feel her heart ripping apart. “Yours and Dustin’s plan was to find a woman to share. I’m just not that woman. Dustin will never commit to me, as you and I both know. What you’re asking is impossible for me. I can’t be responsible for separating two brothers who I love with all my heart.”

“We have no choice, sweetheart. We’ve both tried. We’ve both waited. This is on Dustin. Not on you or on me. He’s the reason for this.” He cupped her chin. “I love him. You love him. But time has run out. I want you to be happy and I want to be happy. I wish he could change, but for some reason he just can’t. I’ll give you all the time you need to think about it, sweetheart, but please, don’t take that job in Wilde, Nevada. Okay?”

Before she could answer, her cell rang. “Hello.”

“Paris, Amber is about to deliver.” Katy’s exuberance came through loud and clear. “Doc wants you here ASAP.”

“On my way.” She clicked off the phone. “I’ve got to go, Mick.”

“Amber, right?”

She grinned. “Yes.”

He kissed her. “I’ll take you.”

* * * *

“You’re doing great, Amber.” Dustin put on his rubber gloves. “It won’t be long now.”

Amber’s three husbands stood at the head of her bed. Emmett held her left hand, Cody held her right, and Bryant was stroking her hair.

Katy, who stood next to him, had everything ready by the time he’d arrived at the clinic.