Paris studied the monitor. “There’s another contraction coming. This might be it.”

He nodded. She was so capable. Why couldn’t she see what a great physician she would make?

There you go again, Dustin. No wonder Mick is ready to ask her without you. I’m still pushing her away. Sam, you have your work cut out for you.

But was it too late? He glanced over at Paris. Had he caused too much damage between them?

* * * *

The clinic’s waiting room was filled with Destiny’s most prominent citizens.

Mick wasn’t surprised. The town always showed up to welcome the arrival of the newest Destonians and to congratulate their parents. It had been some time since a baby had been born in town. Amber’s baby would be the first delivered in the new clinic. He and Dustin had been born in the old clinic that had burned down some time ago.

He knew everyone in the waiting room except for the bearded guy who had come in complaining about stomach pains. Doc’s receptionist, Kelly, had told the man to take a seat and fill out the paperwork.

Ethel O’Leary sat between her two husbands, Patrick and Sam. They were so good to everyone in town, but especially the eight who lost their parents in the plane crash September 28, 2001. Emmett, Cody, and Bryant were three of the eight.

Belle Blue, Amber’s sister, who was only two months away from delivering her own baby, sat near the O’Learys. Her two husbands, Shane and Corey, had just got up to go get her something to eat. They were members of Shannon’s Elite, a CIA team headquartered in Destiny, which was led by Easton Black.

Sheriff Jason Wolfe and his brother Lucas walked into the waiting room with their wife, Phoebe, taking a seat beside Jennifer Steele, Mick’s boss, who was sitting across from him.

“Where is your other husband, Phoebe?” Jennifer asked.

“He’s on the road for a big gig his band landed,” she answered. “Wolfe Mayhem will be performing at the House of Blues in Dallas Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They won’t be back until next week.”

Jennifer shook her head. “I bet Chance and Jaris will be fit to be tied without the band’s lead singer, Kaylyn.”

Mick laughed. “No doubt about that. Those three are inseparable most of the time.”

Phoebe smiled. “You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. And I know it’s true because I sure miss Mitchell when he’s on the road with the band. When did Amber get to the clinic?”

“About an hour ago,” Jennifer said.

“Perhaps we should break out a deck of cards to pass the time.” Lucas grinned. “Who knows how long it will be?”

“You’re a mess, Lucas Wolfe.” Phoebe shook her head.

“Very true.” Lucas leaned in and gave her a kiss. “But I’m your mess, baby.”


Jason grabbed her hand. “And you’re our angel, sweetheart.”

Lucas folded his arms together. “If we’re not going to play cards, how do you suggest we pass the time, baby?”

“I thought I could get some work done.” Phoebe brought out her laptop.

“Honey, you never rest,” Jason said.

“The law can’t take naps, Sheriff. You know that.”

Mick and the whole town were happy that the Wolfe brothers and Phoebe had gotten back together. It gave him hope for him and Paris.

“How’s Jennifer’s ranch running, buddy?” Lucas asked him.

“Great. Me and the hands finished repairing the fences on the north pasture.”

“Do you miss the law, Mick?” Phoebe asked.