“I better get some sleep. I’ve got to be back at Trollinger’s room in the morning.”

“Night.” Shane watched Corey head to his bedroom. He poured himself another shot. It was good to have his brother by his side. They made quite the team.

Whatever it takes, you’re ours, Belle. You’ll see.

* * * *

For the millionth time that night, Belle glanced over at the blue numerals of her clock radio.

2:18 a.m.

No matter how tired her body was, her mind wasn’t going to shut down and let her doze off.

She turned on her lamp. She’d already finished the book on her nightstand. It was a spicy tale by Sophie Oak, one of Amber’s favorite authors.

Belle considered giving it a reread, but quickly decided against it. The tale was definitely worth it. But since every hot paragraph would only remind her of Shane and Corey, she knew cracking its pages would only add to her restlessness and already keyed-up body.

She clicked on the television. Nothing but infomercials. Whatever the two women on the screen were selling, she had no clue. Her thoughts were on Shane and Corey and nothing else.

Swinging her legs off the bed, she put on her robe. Time to see if a glass of wine might help with her current state of insomnia.

She walked out the door quietly, hoping not to disturb the rest of the people in the Stone house. A light was on in the kitchen. Someone else was up.

She tiptoed ahead and saw it was her sister standing at the kitchen sink. “What are you doing up so late?”

“Heartburn.” Amber held up a glass of milk. “Thought this might help. Doc tells me it’s normal at this stage of pregnancy.”

Belle laughed. “Remember when Mom told us that when you have heartburn your baby is supposed to have a lot of hair.”

Amber smiled. “Then I must be carrying Rapunzel. By the way, Sis, why are you up at this hour?”

“My heartburn is emotional, so I thought I’d have a glass of wine to settle mine down.”

“Okay, since neither of us can sleep, why don’t we sit down and talk.”

“I’d like that very much.” Belle filled her glass with her favorite merlot.

They sat down at the table together.

Amber took a sip of her milk. “Ah. That’s better.”

Belle brought her glass to her lips. The red liquid warmed her up quite nicely. “Yes, it is.”

“So what mental issues are you dealing with? Is it still about Shane and Corey?”

She nodded. “Amber, I did just the opposite of what I should’ve done. I led with my heart and made a mess of everything.”

“So you’ve completely fallen for them, right?”

“That’s really an understatement.” She took another sip of wine. Sleep wasn’t going to happen tonight. “I’m in love with them, Sis. I can tell they have strong feelings for me. You should’ve seen them up at lookout point.”

Amber smiled. “You went with them together?”

She shook her head. “No. Shane took me there first. It’s on their parents’ land, not far from here. It’s beautiful. You can see the entire valley and town. It’s a special place for both of them.”

“You’re stalling, Belle. Spill it.”

“You know me too well, don’t you?” She told Amber what had happened with Shane and Corey.