He and Corey walked down the hallway to the back of the courthouse. “Did you park at home or here?”

“Truck is in the garage. Need to stretch my legs.”

Just last week, he and Corey had rented a house on Second Street, one block behind the courthouse. Now that he didn’t have parole to deal with, since his cover was no longer necessary, he didn’t have to live with their parents. He and Corey were close, so residing together made sense.

Shane walked out into the brisk November air. Before crossing First Street, he turned to Corey. “So I know you didn’t show up at Trollinger’s room just to talk about the mission, did you?”

“No. You always can read me like an open book, can’t you?”

“Yes, I can.”

They crossed the street.

“Let’s get home. Pour us a couple of drinks and then I can tell you what happened tonight. I just need to get my thoughts together. And make sure we are on the same page, bro.”

Shane’s gut tightened. “Belle is okay?”

“Yes, at least I think she is. But we do need to have a serious talk.”

Five minutes later, they were in their house.

Shane grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured drinks for him and Corey. They sat down at the kitchen table.

“Corey, what happened after I left the dinner?”

His brother filled him in, telling him about the drive back up to the lookout. “Belle is skittish, Shane. I could tell she was ready to bolt. I don’t know what came over me, but I just couldn’t let her go. We had sex, which blew my mind.”

Shane nodded, recalling how incredible it had been to make

love to Belle. “She’s like no other, bro. I know.”

“Belle kept telling me it would never work between the three of us but wouldn’t say why. She told me she wants to talk to you and me tomorrow.”

“Fuck. That doesn’t sound good to me.”

“To me either. I think the best course of action would be to see her separately for the time being. She may not realize that’s best for her, but I’m sure it is.”

“Not a bad idea. If we keep her from seeing us together, she won’t have the chance to break things off with us.”

“She’s not from Destiny, so let her warm up to the idea of having two men. We can date her individually in the more traditional way—one on one.” Corey took another gulp from his glass. “I know I told you to go slow. That’s what I thought you needed, but now I know I was wrong. If we go too slowly we lose her. I’m sure about that.”

“Me, too.”

“I can’t lose her, Shane.” The intensity in his brother’s voice shook him to his core.

He grabbed his shoulder. “We won’t.”

“She’s holding back something. I can feel it.”

“We have to work together to get her to open up. Once we know what she’s dealing with, what is keeping her from committing to us, then we can turn things around.”

“I can tell she cares for us. That’s why I just don’t get it. She keeps saying she wants to keep things casual, but I know that’s a lie.”

Shane nodded. “Whatever demons she’s dealing with, it is past time for you and me to slay them.”

“Damn right.” Corey lifted his glass. “To our most important mission, Shane. To winning Belle’s heart.”

“Now that’s a toast I can get behind.” He clinked their glasses together. They both drank the rest of their whiskey.