Shocked, she shrugged.

“I’ve already got the slips of paper made up,” Nicole said, pulling out a glass bowl filled with white strips from under her chair.

“I had no idea you liked games so much,” she told her. “I’m taking back your wedding gift and getting you some board games. Would you like that better?”

“Depends on what you’re taking back,” Nicole said with a wink. “My rules are a little different than traditional charades. It’s two on one. Two giving the clues and one guessing. Okay?”

“You’ve really given this some thought, haven’t you?” Erica smiled. Nicole brought so much joy wherever she was. “It’s okay with me if everyone else is okay with it.”

All the men were nodding.

“Let’s play,” she said, getting into the spirit of the night.

“We’ll see who is boss around here,” Cam said, standing.

“That’s for sure,” Dylan added. “Cam and I will give the clues.”

“That’s good,” she told him. “I’m really a good guesser.”

Cam reached into the bowl and pulled out a slip. She leaned forward, feeling competitive. Time to show her big brothers who the real winner was. Cam handed the paper over to Dylan. The strangest thing happened next. Dylan took off his sunglasses and placed them on the table, and both her men knelt down in front of her.

“Three Men and a Baby. Romeo and Juliet. The Little Mermaid.”

“The Little Mermaid?” Dylan mocked.

“When Harry Met Sally.”

What else could it be? “Do something else. Please,” she said impatiently.

Dylan smiled, his dark eyes brighter than she’d ever seen them before. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a ring box. Cam opened it and she gazed at the diamond ring inside.

“Indecent Proposal.” She laughed. “I didn’t think props…were…allowed.” Then she realized this whole thing was just a ruse. This wasn’t a game. Cam and Dylan were actually proposing. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

They each grabbed one of her hands.

Cam’s blue gaze made her tingly from head to toe. “We asked your brothers for your hand and they gave us their permission.”

“You did?” One thing about Destiny men, they believed in protocols.

“Yes, we did, sweetheart.” Dylan squeezed her hand. “The game was Nicole’s idea. Now, let’s get serious. I love you. I will always love you. Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me, Erica Coleman?”

“Yes, Dylan Strange. I will marry you.”

“I love you, baby. God, you are life itself to me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.” Cam squeezed her other hand. “Will you marry me, sweetheart?”

“Of course. Yes.

Together, her men put the ring on her finger. Cam and Dylan wrapped her up in their arms, kissing her.

Her brothers came up and kissed her on the cheek, and then slapped Cam and Dylan on their backs.

Nicole gave her a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

“I’m engaged.”

“Not for long,” Reed said with a chuckle.

“What do you mean by that?” she asked.