Nicole smiled. “We all met yesterday afternoon to plan for tonight.”

“Five conspirators, all of you,” she said, l

ooking at her ring again. It was white gold with beautiful sparkling round diamonds that surrounded the largest stone, which was an emerald-cut diamond. “This is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. It’s perfect.”

“Hey, mine is the most beautiful and you know it, Erica,” Nicole teased.

They both laughed.

“So what did you mean when you said I wasn’t going to be engaged for long?” she asked Reed. “Are they going to break up with me already or are you just pulling my leg?”

“You better ask them,” her brother answered.

“Want to get married next Friday?” Cam and Dylan said together, clearly having rehearsed it.

“Next Friday is my brothers and Nicole’s wedding. That’s her day.”

Nicole stepped in front of her. “Erica, I have no family but these two cowboys and you. You’re the sister I never had. I would love to share that day with you. It would be the best wedding gift you could give me.”

Erica hugged her. “You’re the same for me. I grew up around eight boys. Having you as a sister is a dream come true, but Nicole, planning a wedding is a big deal.”

“Yes, it is. You’ve been helping me with it for the last month. Right? You helped pick the colors, the venue, the minister, the music, everything. Isn’t it the kind of wedding you want for yourself?”

“Yes, but—”

“Nicole, Erica always has a but,” Dylan interrupted. “You have to be careful with her.”

“I’ve got this, James Bond.” Nicole smiled at her. “Please.”

“What about a dress?”

“When we were shopping for my dress, I saw how your eyes lit up on that pretty little chiffon with the single strap. It would be perfect for your figure. I’ve already set up a fitting for you in the morning.”

“You were that sure I would say ‘yes’?”

“I believe in being prepared. It’s part of my law enforcement training.”

“You’ve all made me so happy”—she turned to Cam and Dylan—“especially you two. It sounds so wonderful. Why not have a double wedding. This is Destiny. Unusual things are appreciated and expected.”

Cam and Dylan encircled her, kissing her again.

* * * *

Dylan stood with the three other grooms by The Red Dragon statue.

The ceremony was about to get underway in the center of Destiny’s park, which had been transformed into a fairy-tale land by Erica and Nicole with the help of the real movers and shakers of Destiny, the women. Erica had even wrapped wide colorful ribbons around all four of the dragon statues in the corners of the park. Central Park had never been better.

He looked at all the people who had come to celebrate this day with them. Friends and relatives were smiling, sharing the pleasure of two new young families about to be created. There were over three hundred people in attendance. Alice Blue and her husbands had taken over the job of grilling the steaks for the reception, freeing Cam up for his duties today.

The Knights were on the second row with Megan in between them. They were smiling from ear to ear. They would be celebrating their own wedding in just a week. Jason and his two brothers, Mitchell and Lucas, sat near the back. All three were staring in Phoebe Blue’s direction. She sat with her two brothers, Shane and Corey, two men who couldn’t be more opposite even if they tried. In front of the Blues were the Stone brothers and Amber. They were already expecting their first child. Dylan couldn’t wait to have children with Erica. She was going to be a wonderful mother. Amber’s sister Belle sat next to Juan, the kid who had been rescued by both women. The boys’ ranch the Stones and the two ladies were setting up was expected to open by Christmas. Shane kept leaning forward and talking to Belle. Corey sat back, but his eyes never left the woman. It sure seemed liked something might be brewing between those three. God, I’ve really gone soft. I sound like a hopeless romantic. What man wouldn’t in his situation? He’d found the love of his life and was about to make her his wife.

Ethel O’Leary, who was officiating the ceremony, walked up to them. “Gentlemen, we’re ready to begin. If you’ll follow me, please.”

She led them to the center of the park, meant for the wedding party. Every cut flower in Swanson County must’ve been there, making a floral wall behind them. They took their places—he and Cam on one side and Sawyer and Reed on the other, with Ethel in between them.

The Destiny Chamber Musicians—Gretchen Hollingsworth on the flute, Patrick O’Leary on the violin, and Norman Little, Lucy’s husband, on the upright bass—fired up the wedding march. The crowd stood and turned their attention to the tent that had been set up for the two brides.

Erica and Nicole came out, but all he could see was Erica. She was like an angel, his angel. Her hair was up. She held a bouquet of white roses. He couldn’t stop staring at her. He’d worn his sunglasses, today, but he didn’t want even a lens to impede his eyes of the vision coming down the aisle, so he took them off. His heart thudded in his chest. He put his arm around Cam, uncaring if it was appropriate or not for the ceremony.