Dillon nodded. “Make that two.”

“Same for me.”

“Three specials coming right up.” The waitress left.

“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?” Dan leaned closer to her.

Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“I don’t think you should say that yet,” Craig said, not wanting to scare the woman of his dreams away.

“Yet?” Dillon looked puzzled.

“Why not now?” Dan asked. “She has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

“It’s okay, Craig. A woman knows when a guy is feeding her a line, but I think your brother is being sincere.” She turned to Dan. “Thank you. You have nice eyes, too.” She reached into her purse and brought out a pen and notebook. “I really would like to ask you three some questions.”

“Okay by me,” Dan said.

“I’m not sure our story is that interesting.” Craig had never wanted anyone as much as he did her.

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Mary smiled again, and he knew he would do anything to make her happy. “I think I won’t have any trouble selling your story to a syndicate.”

“What about your story, Mary?” he asked, wanting to learn more about her. “Tell us a little about you first.”

“Now that is a boring story.” Something in her tone seemed incongruent to her words.

“Where are you from?” he prodded lightly.


“How did you get into writing?”

“Always had a knack for it in school. Just a natural progression for me once I got to college.”

“What about your family? Brothers and sisters?”

“One sister.” Her face darkened. “Oh my God, I need to call her.”

Craig grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry. There’s a payphone next to the restrooms.”

“Will you excuse me? I really need to make this call.”

“Absolutely,” he said. “We’ll be right here when you get back, ready to answer all your questions.”

Another smile. God, I want to see those beautiful lips smiling for the rest of my life.

They all stood, and Dan pulled out her chair.

When she was out of earshot, he turned to his brothers, who were both staring at him like deer in the headlights.

“What’s with you?” Dan asked.

“That’s a strange question.”

“I don’t think so,” Dillon said. “You’re not acting like yourself. Are you sure you are okay?”

“I have no idea what you mean by that. I’m fine.”