“It’s her. It’s Mary,” Dillon said. “That’s what’s wrong with you, isn’t it?”

“That’s what’s right with me. I’m in love with her and I’m going to marry her.”

Dan smiled. “Now that does sound like my brother Craig. Jokester through and through.”

“I’m not joking. She’s the woman of my dreams. And both of yours, too.”

“We just met her, Craig,” Dillon said. “Slow down.”

“You tell me. Have you ever met anyone as beautiful and sweet as she is?”

“No,” they answered in unison.

“Well then…?”

* * * *

“Maude, I’m fine,” Mary said for the fifth time. “Really. I will be okay.”

“Why didn’t you tell me what was going on with Paul?”

“I was just too embarrassed and didn’t know what to do at first.”

“You know you can always come to me with anything. We’re sisters and best friends. I’m always here for you, Mary.”

“I know you are.”

“I’m going to stay here in Wilde for a little while and then head for California. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here, but I will let you know.”

“Give me your hotel’s number.”

“I’m not staying at a hotel. A sweet family has offered to put me up for a few nights. The Wildes. I will call you back with their phone number tomorrow.”

“You don’t know anything about them, do you?” Maude sighed, revealing her concern.

“Not really, but everyone in the diner seemed to respect them. Plus, I have a very good feeling about this.” She thought about the three Wilde brothers. What had it been like growing up in a family with three dads? She had no doubt it had to be better than how she’d grown up with her mom and dad. Carol and her three men seemed so happy. When Craig, Dan, and Dillon had come into the diner, she’d seen the love expressed on all their faces for one another. “Maude, I truly believe that the Wilde family’s story is what will put me on the map. I will be a legitimate journalist. You’ll see.”

“I’ve always believed in you and your dreams, sis. You know that. Just be careful. You are one that always leads with her heart. That can get you into trouble.”

Though Maude never said it, she knew her sister was thinking of Paul. “I will call you tomorrow and let you know how I’m doing.”

The beep sounded on the line.

“We’re almost out of time. I love you, Mary.”

“I love you, too. Talk to you tomorrow.”

“You better. What do you want me to tell our parents?”

“Don’t tell them anything. I doubt they will even realize I’m not in town.”

“Okay. But if they do, I will at least let them know you are safe.”

They ended the call.

She walked into the ladies’ room. Looking in the mirror, she checked her makeup. The three Wilde brothers were extremely good-looking. All three’s eyes were blue, though of different shades. Craig’s were sky blue. Dillon’s deep blue. Dan’s were a smoky blue, almost gray. The trio sported muscles from heat to toe. Not overly beefy. Just right in her book. And they were all tall, over six-four. Craig and Dillon were exactly the same height, and Dan was slightly taller by less than an inch.