“The question isn’t whether we love you enough, Daisy. It’s whether you love us enough… whether you want to be so many things to each of us. We’re not the easy choice. But we’ll spend the rest of our lives making sure you know you didn’t settle.”

I wrapped my arm around Daisy’s upper body so it was resting right above her heart. “Are we enough for you, sweetheart?”

She let out a sob and nodded her head. “You’re everything,” she croaked. She dropped her forehead to Sage’s chest and lifted her hand to reach behind her so she could sift her fingers through my hair and draw me forward so we were completely surrounding her. “I love you both so much.”

“Love you,” I whispered in her ear. She began to cry as soon as Sage said the same thing. We held her for the longest time and kissed the parts of her we could reach. We kissed each other too. When she’d calmed, I eased her around and wiped at her tears.

“Why don’t we eat this dinner you’ve made for us and then we can talk some more,” I suggested.

I took a step toward the stove to get it going again, but she grabbed my wrist. “Nuh-uh,” she said with a shake of her head. “You guys have been teasing me for weeks. It’s time to pay up,” she added, then she pulled my head down for a kiss that left me vibrating with need. She did the same to Sage. By the time they came up for air, I was practically humping Daisy’s backside.

“Bedroom,” Sage snarled.

I snagged his arm before he could steal her away. “Right here is fine,” I bit out as I lifted Daisy and carried her to the table. “For starters,” I added, then I closed my mouth over hers.

Chapter 13


I could have sat down at that table and watched them all night. A part of me actually wanted Cash to order me to do just that. Then I’d be able to feast on the sight of Cash’s big body moving expertly over Daisy’s. But my cock wasn’t having any of it. I’d be lucky if I didn’t come before I even laid a hand on the beautiful woman sprawled out on our kitchen table.

She loved us.


I couldn’t believe it.

It was something I’d only allowed myself to dream about, but it had finally happened.

Life had been an odd mix of relief, hope, and acceptance since I’d admitted to Daisy and Cash that I’d taken Mouse’s life. I knew they hadn’t been expecting the admission, especially not while we’d been in the middle of watching a slightly boring movie on television. But everything had just felt so right in that moment that I’d wanted to put the past behind me… I’d wanted to say goodbye to Mouse and what I’d done. I wanted to accept that in some ways I’d failed her, but in others I hadn’t. I wasn’t sure that was something I would have been able to do if it hadn’t been for my desire to build something with Daisy and Cash. I was eager to be an equal part of the relationship, and I wanted the things Cash had said he wanted for me.

For me to want his control, not need it.

I wanted to not need to be two people anymore. I wanted the fun-loving, nothing-can-faze-me Sage to meet the fucked-up-in-the-head Sage. No, I didn’t always want to be fucked up in the head, but I wanted to be okay with the fact that that’s what I was right now. Maybe then I’d be able to move past it.

While my relationship with Cash had continued to evolve and blossom in the past few weeks, Daisy and her interest in being with us for real had been the wild card.

But I could finally put those final fears aside.

Daisy loved us.

It was all that mattered.

Cash and Daisy – they were mine now and I’d do whatever it took to keep them. I’d do it for them, but I’d do it for me too.

I watched as Cash’s mouth hovered over Daisy’s. She was trying to force his head back down so he’d kiss her some more.

I didn’t blame her – Cash kissed like a fucking dream.

“Sweetheart,” Cash said softly between the light kisses he allowed her to steal. “Tell us this is what you want,” he said.

Daisy stilled, then she reached for Cash’s hand and guided it down between the juncture of her legs. “If you can’t feel it yet,” she murmured, “You will soon.”

“Fuck,” Cash snarled, then he kissed her hard and began rubbing his hand over her. Daisy writhed beneath him. Cash looked at me and said, “Come feel her, baby. Come feel how ready for us she is.”

I went to him and replaced his hand with mine. Though I wouldn’t have needed to, because I could see the dampness on the material of the thin pants she was wearing. I got caught up in the snare of her gaze as I slowly worked my fingers in a circular pattern between her legs. She moaned and whimpered as Cash and I switched places. Cash went to her head and kissed her, then moved back enough so I could kiss her too. “Daisy,” I whispered against her mouth. “Have you been with a guy before?”