Her eyes were glassy with lust. Color tinged her cheeks as she shook her head.

Cash and I had figured she was a virgin, but we hadn’t been sure. I looked at Cash and saw that his lust had gone to a whole new level.

Like mine.

We’d be the first men to touch her.

To be inside her.

We’d be the last too.

Of that I was certain.

“We’ll take care of you,” I vowed as I kissed her softly.

“I know you will, Sage,” she whispered. “I know you both will.”

Emotion clogged my throat as I leaned back and slid my hands down her body. She was beautifully built. All lush curves that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. I pushed her shirt up to expose her bra. Cash eased her up to a sitting position to help her get the shirt off and I took complete advantage and kissed her deeply. Her hair was in a messy knot, so I worked the tie free and threw it aside. I let the long strands fall so they covered part of her chest, but only because I wanted to take in the sight of her like that.

With her hair acting as a curtain for her flushed skin and sexy black lace bra.

I didn’t touch her as Cash’s lips skimmed down her neck and his hands released the catch on her bra. She brought her hands up to catch the fabric before it fell away.

It was a reminder of how innocent she truly was.

Before I could reassure her, Cash was there. His mouth was at her ear and he was whispering something to her, but I couldn’t hear what it was.

I didn’t need to, because I knew what he was saying.

Exactly what Daisy needed to hear.

Cash had a knack for that.

Daisy’s gaze shifted to me as Cash spoke to her. Her moves were slow and deliberate as she lowered her hands, taking the bra with her. Cash continued to talk to her, but now I could hear him. He was telling her how beautiful she was and that he and I were the luckiest guys in the world.

I couldn’t have agreed with him more.

I waited until Daisy had completely lowered her hands to make my next move.

I caught a strand of her hair between my fingers and followed it down the length of her body, letting my skin graze hers at every opportunity. When I got to her nipple, I ran the backs of my fingers over it briefly and she let out a little whimper and closed her eyes. Cash sought out her mouth while I teased her turgid flesh. Her hands were fisted in her lap.

I took them in mine and said, “Open your eyes, sweetheart.”

She did.


And I had to smile to myself because I liked the rush of emotion that went through me when she was so quick to do my bidding.

My eyes met Cash’s briefly and he nodded.

I hadn’t ever understood what it was like for him to have me respond to his commands, but now I had an inkling. The trust Daisy was showing me was humbling. I hadn’t ever considered what it meant to give trust to someone else, though I’d been doing it with Cash from almost the moment we first met.

I took Daisy’s hands and eased them up so that she was touching herself. She seemed confused, so I leaned in and kissed her. “Touch yourself, Daisy. Show us what you like.”

Her eyes went wide and she shook her head. But it was like her body was on autopilot because her fingers almost immediately began rubbing circles around her nipples.

“Oh God,” she whispered as she realized what she was doing.

I grabbed her face and kissed her hard. “That’s it,” I urged, then with Cash’s help, we eased her onto her back. I pushed her hair aside so I could take in everything about her. Cash was kissing her as she fondled herself. She plucked at her nipples several times before rubbing her palms over them. Then her hands were sliding down her body. After a minute or two, she began pushing her fingers beneath the waistband of her pants, so I quickly eased them off her. Her underwear matched her bra. I left it alone as I watched her rub her fingers over herself. Cash’s mouth was on her nipple and her free hand was buried in his hair as she held him to her.

With her body writhing like it was, I knew it wouldn’t take much to send her over and although I would have loved to see her give herself that release, I wanted something else more.

I quickly stripped the panties off her, then swiped my finger through her labia. She was soaking wet. My dick swelled painfully behind my jeans as I stroked her again. Her essence glistened on my fingers. I was about to take a taste when I sensed eyes on me.