“I have an aversion towards it.”

“Don’t we all,” the lad said with a laugh.

Annis poked him in the arm. “Answer me.”

The lad rubbed his arm and took a look. “No blood on him, but you best keep your eyes off the others. Wait. He is headed our way.”

Annis sent a blessing to the heavens for that.

“Time to leave,” Brogan said.

“Not soon enough for me,” Annis said and turned to face Brogan. “The lad comes with us. I have a task for him.”

He gave a nod and blood suddenly ran from his nose. “Damn,” he mumbled as his hands reached out to grab his wife.

Annis felt the continuous bounce as she fought to open her eyes and clear her fuzzy head. Where was she? What happened? She finally got her eyes open and had to blink several times before she realized she was staring at the ground, and it was moving. It took a moment for another realization to hit—she was being carried over someone’s shoulder. She raised her head a bit and to her relief saw Brogan’s horse, Belle, and her horse following behind them.

“Will I get coin for this task? I need it. My mum and I need food.”

“You will be paid for the task.”

Annis smiled hearing Brogan tell the lad that he would compensate him for the task that she had for him, though she would see to that herself.

She tapped on Brogan’s back. “You can put me down now.”

“Aren’t you going to ask if the bleeding stopped?” Brogan asked.

“Has it? Are you all right?” Annis asked anxiously.

That had Brogan stopping, and he eased her on her feet. She scrunched her eyes to peer cautiously through them as she tilted her head up to look at him.

“I am good now, but I cannot promise my nose will not bleed unexpectedly again.”

Her eyes shot open when she spotted not a trace of blood. “Is your nose broken?”

The concern in her eyes touched his heart. “Nay, he did not break it. He just caught it the right way to send it bleeding.”

She cringed. “I could not leave the lad to get hurt.”

“Is that an apology for being foolish and not obeying my word?” he asked with a grin.

“Aye,” she admitted. “I am sorry you were harmed.”

“I stood a chance against those men, the lad did not.” He tucked one of her stubborn curls behind her ear only to have it spring free. “But let me see to it the next time, since I have no doubt there will be a next time.”

“I cannot promise since I sometimes speak and react without thought, but I will do my best.”

Brogan laughed. “Only sometimes?”

She jabbed him playfully in the arm. “You cannot say I did not warn you about me.”

He took her hand and laughed again. “Your own words did that when we first met. Now about your eye.”

Her hand shot to her eye, recalling the punch she almost avoided. “It does not hurt.”

“It looks like it does. The bruise is spreading from the corner to under your eye. Are you sure it does not pain you?” He had been furious when he had seen the blow nearly knock her down. He was ready to kill the man and he still wished he had, but it would have only brought more trouble down on them.

“A bit sore to the touch is all,” she assured him, thinking how gallant he had been in saving her. He had not hesitated. He had come to her rescue, and he always would. The thought warmed her heart.

“About that task?” the lad asked.

“Let’s get a distance away from here before we discuss that,” Brogan said. “Can you ride lad?”

The lad nodded and in no time, they were on their way, the lad on one horse and Annis and Brogan on Belle.

It was an hour later before they stopped and by then Annis had learned that the lad’s name was Dugan and that he and his mum were homeless and were in dire need of food and shelter.

“I want you to take a message to my sister Elysia. She resides at Clan Loudon. Do you know where that is?” Annis asked.

Dugan nodded. “I do. It is not far from where me and my mum have camped.”

“I will see you compensated,” Brogan said.

“Not necessary,” Annis said and took a coin from a small pouch tucked at her waist. “Show Elysia this coin and tell her it was payment to you for bringing her a message from her sister Annis. She will not take it from you, and she will feed you and give you food to take to your mum.”

“Truly?” Dugan asked as if he could not quite believe it.

“Truly,” Annis confirmed with a smile.

“What’s the message?” he asked, taking the coin from her and keeping his fingers tight around it.