Annis’s stomach churned, fearing what might happen to the lad. She grew alarmed when one of the men grabbed the lad and started chopping off his shoulder-length hair with his knife. The thin lad was no match for the man and Annis had all she could do not run and help the lad. If she did, it would put both her and Brogan in danger.

Unfortunately, when the man finished chopping the lad’s hair, leaving it to stick out from his head in uneven tufts, he threatened him perhaps because the lad stuck his chin up and showed no fear.

“Let’s see what else we can chop off you,” the man said with a laugh as he pointed his knife right between the lad’s legs.

That did it for Annis. There was no way she could stand by and see the lad harmed. She yanked her hand out of Brogan’s and ran.

“You are such a weak-arse pansy that you have to pick on a young lad,” she screamed, running at the man and planting herself in front of the lad.

The man with the knife stared at her in bewilderment.

“Are you so envious of the lad’s shaft that you have to cut it off?” she challenged with a fiery fury.

The man’s face bloomed red, and his hands shoved his plaid aside and took hold of his shaft. “You will be tasting my sizeable shaft soon enough.”

“You call that sizeable?” Annis said with a laugh and everyone around her laughed.

She saw the blow coming and tried to avoid it, but it caught the corner of her eye and she stumbled and before she could right herself, she saw the fellow’s fist coming at her again. A rough shove had her stumbling and she winced when she saw that Brogan took the blow for her.

The man grinned and waved Brogan on. “I win. I keep your woman.”

Brogan returned his grin. “I win. You die.”

Two fellows that were with the man stepped up beside him.

“Three,” Brogan laughed. “You think to beat me with three useless men?”

All hell broke loose after that. People gathered around to watch and cheer for who it did not seem to matter. Brogan easily got the knife off the man, tossing it aside. His fists were quick, delivering solid blows. He landed more on the three men than they did on him.

Cheers rang out each time a punch or kick was landed, no matter who landed it.

“Wow! Your man is quick and skilled with his punches.”

“Tell me what’s going on,” she ordered the lad keeping her eyes turned away.

“He knocked him out!” the young lad cheered, jumping up and down.

Annis dared a peek every now and then, fearful she would spot enough blood to have her fainting and that would only make things worse.

“He got another one,” the boy cheered, raising his fist in excitement, the crowd cheering along with him. “He’s got the last in a head lock. OW!” He cringed and a cheer sounded.

“What happened?” Annis asked anxiously.

“The fellow has long arms and caught your man in the nose.”

She winced. “Is there blood?”

“Aye, there is—WHOA! Your man has him by the neck choking him. He’s surrendering, begging is more like it. Your man threw him to the ground—wait, he has his boot on his chest and he’s pointing a finger at him. Looks like he’s giving him a warning.

Annis wished she could hear what he was saying but the cheers were too loud.

“Has the blood been wiped from his nose yet?” Annis asked, desperate to turn and see what was going on for herself.

“Nay, and he just turned to the man who hit you.”

A hushed silence settled over the crowd, leaving Annis able to hear Brogan.

“I should cut your shaft off for showing the pitiful thing to her.”

The crowd laughed.

“The fellow is trembling,” the lad said with a chuckle.

“But since everyone now knows what a wee, woeful shaft you have, and you know how tongues love to wag, there won’t be a woman far and wide who will want to bother with it. So, I will leave you to your misery.” He turned away, stopped, then turned back again. “One more thing.” He grabbed the guy by the shirt and threw a punch. The crack to his nose was loud enough that everyone winced. “I took pity on you and let you live this time, if there is a next time—you die.”

More cheers rang out.

“Someone gave your man a cloth and he’s wiping the blood off now,” the lad said. He turned a quick look on Annis. “I thought your man looked familiar to me. He’s the condemned Highlander, isn’t he? More fools them for going up against him.”

“Has he cleaned the blood off yet?” Annis asked, ignoring the lad’s question.

The lad scrunched his nose. “Why do you keep asking about blood?”