I scowl at him as we get up from the table and leave. I've half a mind to yell at him, but Kazex gives me a wary look and I remember that we're supposed to be pretending that I'm his pet. Right. I guess I'll blister his ears when we get back on the ship. I walk sullenly behind him, dodging puddles as we head back out to the atrium level with the elevators. Straik walks a little ways, and when Bist's retinue heads in the opposite direction, Straik turns back to Kazex and gives him a tense look. "Check in with the others. See what they've found out."

"On it," Kazex says, and steps away, lifting his arm close to his face and heading toward a shadowy alcove.

Straik puts a hand on my shoulder, steering me toward a nearby shop. There are shiny-looking outfits in the window that change color as we approach, and massive, sweeping hats that are both narrow and tall as hell—probably to fit around horns. I want to shrug off Straik's touch, but I'm the pet, so I just grit my teeth while he pretends to study the goods in the window. "You're mad at me," he finally says.

"I don't find it funny, I guess, talking about trading me away to a stranger," I snap. "Call me crazy."

"I said that purely because the only things that Bist finds more disgusting than mesakkah are humans." He gives me a sly grin that shouldn't make my heart pound. "I knew he'd never take me up on it. It was revenge on him as much as it was on you."

"Revenge? I did nothing wrong."

He gives me a long, long look. "I didn't say it was wrong. Just distracting."

Okay, fine, maybe I was being distracting. I lift my chin. "Still no reason to joke about selling me."

"I would never sell you," Straik says, pulling me closer. I reluctantly let him drag me toward him, and he puts a finger under my chin, tipping my head up. "You're not mine to sell. And if anyone tried to take you, I'd murder them."

Murder talk should not be so sexy. "I didn't like it. And after I was so nice to you."

"Nice?" He snorts. "Nice to get me worked up in public?"

"Isn't that why you went to a place that was full of dancing girls? To get all worked up?"

His lip curls slightly and an expression of genuine disgust crosses his face. "That would be the last place I would pick if it were up to me. I'm not interested in them. Just you."

My heart skips at that. He's interested in me. I should know that, and yet it still makes me thrill to hear it. I move closer to him, glancing around, and then put my hand blatantly on the front of his pants. Sure enough, he's hard as hell, practically straining against my hand the moment I touch him.

Straik jerks, immediately pulling me tighter against him and glancing around to see if anyone notices us. I can feel him trembling, his big body pressed against mine, the rasp of his breath exciting to me. I love that I have this effect on him. I like being the one in control. I like that he's uncertain and hesitant and I'm the bold one. It's a nice change of pace and it makes me feel safe with him, even if the cock pressing against my hand is an absolute monster.

"Well, you're definitely interested," I whisper, giving him a quick rub with my hand. "Unless this was all for your buddy Bist."

He huffs, all tension, and his fingers dig into my shoulders. He's not pushing me away, though, and I get the impression that he's not upset at my touch, he just doesn't know how to handle it or what he's feeling. "Some-someone will see you."

"They'll just see me being a good slave," I whisper, rubbing him again.

Straik's nostrils flare and he bites his lip, as if desperately trying to keep everything he's feeling inside.

"Am I being a good slave?" I ask seductively, cocking my head at him. "Or should I stop being so naughty? Because I think you like it when I'm naughty. That's when you like me most—"

A throat clears behind us.

Straik's face turns such a dark blue he looks purple. He pulls away from me, adjusting his clothes, and rakes a hand over his head, only to find no hair there. "Yes, Kazex. What is it?"

"Sorry to interrupt, my lord." His tone is just one side of gleeful. "But the others have reported in. Not a sniff of anything untoward. We should be clear to stay long enough to resupply."

Straik relaxes, nodding slowly. "Good. Excellent." His hand runs down my arm in a decidedly possessive gesture. "Tell Dopekh to switch out with you in an hour so you have time to yourself."