Kazex's smile broadens.

I poke Straik with my finger. "And what about me? When do I get time for myself?"

He grabs a lock of my hair and tugs it lightly, then twines it around one of his fingers. "You, my naughty slave, are stuck with me." I mock-pout, but I don't mind that sexy tone in his voice. I'm fine with being stuck with him. Prefer it, even. Straik glances at the shop we're in front of, then indicates to me that we should go inside. "Do humans like clothes shopping?"

"This human does," I say, trying not to show too much excitement. "I'm not sure if they'll have anything in my size, though."

"They will for the right amount of credits," Straik reassures me. "Come. Let's throw some funds around and see what kind of service we can get for a pirate lord and his naughty slave."

I chuckle at that, following him into the shop. I knew he liked my naughtiness. The man is transparent as glass.



My theory about the shopkeeper is correct—the moment I flash enough credits, we're assured that everything can be sized down for Ruth. I transfer a file for my own clothing, and while the shop's bots (all faster than the one we have on the ship) work on weaving new uniforms for me to replace my old ones, Ruth picks between racks of ready-made clothes, touching fabrics and eyeing sleeves. When her arms are full of dresses to try on, she pauses and then leans in to the shopkeeper, whispering something. He nods and retreats to the back weaving room, then returns a moment later, waving us forward. "You can try on the garments here and once you've made your selections, we'll tailor them for your frame."

I follow Ruth to the back of the shop, and when the shopkeeper gestures at a small, curtained area with a seat inside and several mirrors, I head in and gesture that Ruth should join me. She does, a frown on her face. "You're going to watch me change?"

"I've seen you naked. You stole my bath, remember? Watching you try on clothes shouldn't be a problem." And to prove that, I sit in the chair in the corner and sprawl my legs out, taking up as much space as possible. It's a subtle challenge, but I'm not going to let her stay in here by herself. I don't trust anyone on this station other than my men, and I'm not letting Ruth out of my sight.

She arches a brow at me, a smirk on her face. "Fine then." With that, she whips her poorly made dress over her head and then she's naked. She's all long legs and firm buttocks. She turns to face me as she picks up the first dress and my mouth goes dry. Her breasts are enormous compared to a female mesakkah, two high mounds that jut out from her chest as if they're taunting me. They're tipped with dusky nipples that practically beg for my mouth, and her cunt is hidden by a patch of dark curls between her thighs.

I rub my mouth, because I didn't pay attention to her body that much when she was first naked in front of me. It's different, now. Everything is different between us, and that makes me think of how she'd sat in my lap and tongued my ear, rubbing against me. I shift in my seat.

Ruth puts her hands on her hips and stands straight and tall, defiant. "See something you like?"

"Yes," I say thickly, unable to stop staring at her. She's magnificent.

A smile curves her mouth. She gives me another sassy look and then tosses her hair, holding the first dress up to her body and considering it in the mirror. "All of these dresses look very…soft."

"Most human pets are soft."

"What if I wanted to kick someone's ass?" She gives me a challenging look.

"Then I would say do it naked."

She snorts. "You would say that." But she's smiling as she slips the first dress over her head. The fabric slithers and then shivers over her skin, automatically molding to her size. It bunches in the back where the extra fabric pools, but in the front, it clings to her breasts and emphasizes her hips. Ruth runs a hand down the dress. "I'm not sure I like this one. How many do you want me to buy? Two? More seems like a waste."

"Buy as many as you like." I watch her as she moves her hands over her body, and my mouth is dry, my cock unbearably hard. I'm not used to having this kind of reaction to someone…anyone, really. Ruth just does something to me. Maybe it's that she constantly challenges me, or that she's not interested in my family name. Whatever it is, I'm utterly lost when it comes to her.