At least I don’t think I’m recognizable. I’ve been letting my beard grow out since I disappeared and that was over a year ago. Hell, I’m not even sure my own agent will recognize me. Of course, that may not matter because she’s clearly not here.

Some people call what I did a year ago insane. If I had a dollar for the number of times I heard the term career suicide, I could buy my own country. They may have been right. I’m not sure. I just know I couldn’t do it anymore. I got so tired of being Travis Drake. Somewhere between acting because I loved it and becoming the “it” man in Hollywood, I lost myself along the way. I no longer recognized the man in the mirror. So, I went back home to Sneedville, Tennessee, avoiding Los Angeles like the plague, and enjoying hanging in my hometown. I needed a break from being the big shot movie star, having the dream job thousands would kill for. The paychecks were almost as crazy as the party scene. I wanted to just be Travis for a while. A week turned into a month which ended up turning into a year.

At least at home, I could center myself and figure out my next move—which I’m pretty sure will involve me being behind the camera—not in front of it. Which is really what I’ve always wanted. I tried forever, but all the offers I received were to be in front of the camera. Being an action star had all the perks, but no one wanted to take my directing seriously.

I push my thoughts to the back of my mind and walk to a table near the counter. I watch the girls behind it stock fresh pastries—that even I will admit look like they would taste amazing. I look out the window and see there’s a gym across the street called Energym. That should be handy. Go to the gym, burn off a few hundred calories and come over here and get a dessert that will put it back on and then some.

The thought makes me smirk, and I shake my head.

My gaze moves back to the ladies behind the counter. The blonde catches my attention right away. Her long blond hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, revealing her neck and ears and although I’m sure I’ve seen a million women wearing the same hairstyle, on her it makes me want to bury my head in that valley and press my lips to her pulse, tasting the tender skin of her neck. She’s wearing jeans that are faded and hugging her frame so good that my cock instantly pays attention. She has a black t-shirt with a large sunflower logo on it. She has these large breasts that look like they want to bust out of the fabric.

She’s mouthwatering.

I can’t see her nametag, but the way my gaze keeps dropping down to her ass reminds me of how solitary life has been—even before I left Hollywood behind. This woman is what I’ve always dreamed of. She’s real. No fake tits and butt lifts for her. She’s natural, I can tell, and she’s hot as hell. I find myself mentally telling her to turn around, as if just willing it can make it happen. I can hear the girls talking and I find myself listening, hoping to pick up some information about the woman that has my dick weeping with hunger—after being mostly dead for way too long.

“I’m going to kill Denise for talking me into this blind date. She had me set up a whole profile with Seeking Curves.”

“Don’t think about killing her just yet, your date might go really well.”

“Well, Eugene is already late. It’s twenty minutes after four and he was supposed to be here at four. That doesn’t bode well.”

The sexy little thing says that with a shrug and then I lose my breath because she turns around, letting me see her gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes and full pouty lips.

“Lee, this guy might be great. You never know until you give it a try.”

“I should just give up on dating. I’m not really the type of girl men go for anyway, Jill.” She’s leaning over the glass arranging things in the display, right in front of my table. And I can’t help myself from responding. I don’t know a man who could.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re exactly the type I’d go for,” I respond honestly. Her blue eyes snap to me, and I can see the shock on her face. When her cheeks fill with color I smile.

She’s just getting better and better.



My eyes go wide as I look at the man across from me. He’s got a beard that’s a mixture of salt and pepper. His hair is a little longer than he said it would be, but it has these lazy curls that are kind of hot. Holy cake balls, what is a guy like this doing going to a dating agency?