“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry! You must be Eugene. I didn’t even notice a man came in the place,” I laugh. We stay pretty busy—especially for being newly opened. We don’t get male patrons really, and how I missed this guy walking in, I have no idea. I can’t be wrong either, this guy looks exactly how he described himself. I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting that. Usually, Curves gives you entire files on the men you’re set up with—including pictures. For some reason, Bianca couldn’t get Eugene’s photo to attach. She promised he passed all the strict guidelines and parameters in their background checks, so I said it was fine. Now, I’m so freaking glad I did. “I have to admit, I’m kind of shocked. You look just like you described.”

“I do?” he asks, looking surprised himself.

“Definitely, but I really was expecting you to look nothing like you described, actually. People tend to embellish themselves on their applications.”

“Did you?” he asks with a smile.

“No, I figured if I lied, then they would see through it when it came time to meet, and it wouldn’t work out very well. I suppose you can kind of tell that already, though,” I laugh.

“What would you lie about if you were going to?” he asks as I come around to the table to join him. He’s pushed back into his chair, seemingly relaxed while my nerves are ridiculous. I hadn’t expected him to be so attractive or that I would like so much about him.

I can’t help but laugh before giving him an incredulous look. It's clear what I would lie about, “Well, I would say I was as skinny as a Victoria’s Secret model.”

“That’s gross,” he says, wrinkling his nose, “You’re fucking hot.” His words make me blush—both for what he says and the cursing. I’m not used to men who just say what is on their mind and not care about who is around them. It’s clear this guy does, and I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t turn me on.

I try to laugh off his compliment.

“Okay, but I wouldn’t mind having the perky chest area those models have.” I blush realizing what I just said. Shit! Why am I bringing up boobs with a complete stranger? Better yet, why am I pointing out my obvious flaws around a guy I want to get to know?

“Real men prefer natural to plastic,” he says, leaning in and whispering like he’s sharing a secret. I laugh again. He’s sexy and funny. I hope he can’t tell how breathless I am being near him. I mean he’s just so hot. It’s not that I’m shallow, but it's hard not to be affected. This guy is so far out of my league he’s in another hemisphere.

“You don’t look like a computer geek,” I murmur, looking him over.

“What do I look like?” he flirts, quirking his eyebrow in question. I study him. He doesn’t seem like an introvert or someone who would spend most of their day on a computer.

“Well, you seem like you do something adventurous like being president of a motorcycle club.”

“Nope, not me, although I do own a bike.”

“Okay, then you look like you like working doing something dangerous—like an oil rig or something.”

“You’re cute,” he laughs. “But I can promise you that I’ve never done either of those things.”

“Okay, so no adventure for you, then?” I ask.

“I didn’t say that, but both your guesses were a bit off. What about you? You work here, obviously, but what else?”

“Didn’t you read through my application?” I ask, quirking my eyebrow, “I don’t just work here. I own it. Just opened it actually,” I tell him, pride steeped in my voice. It's not cheap to run a business anywhere, let alone here in California. The fact that we’re doing so well is a huge source of pride for me.

I watch as Eugene looks around, knowing my personality is all over the store. Bright colors, especially yellow, are my favorite. I’m a lover of books and sweets. Who doesn’t want to have a sweet treat while reading a good book?

“Impressive,” he praises with a lopsided smile that looks a little wicked and makes my insides heat. “You must love books.” I can only nod as I look around at all the happy patrons, chatting and reading. Some are even at the tables working on their laptops. There are a few regulars that knew about my date today and they’re trying not to stare as they watch it all unfurl. My blush—which hasn’t gone away since Eugene made himself known—deepens as Jill gives me a thumbs up from behind the counter.

“I must admit, I’m confused.”

“About what?”

“Why would you want to go through the dating service? I don’t imagine a man like you would be short of women who wanted to get to know you better. I’d imagine they gravitate toward you.” He’s charming, attractive; hell, he could be on the cover of any good romance novel. My mind automatically wonders what could be wrong with him.