She turned again, and there was a light in her eyes that had been missing for days.

It might be the time and the place to push her again.

He moved into her space. As he’d requested, she’d left her hair down. He took advantage of it by sliding his hand across the back of her neck and sinking his fingers into all that silk. He tugged her head back and stared down into those kick-him-in-the-gut eyes of hers. “Tell me I can kiss you while we’re here. Tell me I can touch you when I want to.”

It was a request, and he’d gone over this with her during their training sessions. He would command, and she could shut him down if she chose. The command was all part of the play. It was something he’d done a thousand times, but commanding Vanessa did something to him. It had him growling, some primal urge making his dick twitch.

“Yes, Sir. I think in this club it’s all right. In this club, I can be your submissive.”

Not out of it, though. It would have to do for now. It wasn’t like he was going to turn her down. He’d had days of thinking about kissing her again, getting his hands on her. He’d had restless nights of imagining she was in bed with him, of the sighs she would give him when he’d tired her out.

He dragged her against him and didn’t pretend to be a gentleman. That was what he was known as. A gentlemanly top. He was always polite and rarely possessive.

He wanted to possess her.

He fused their mouths together, his free arm wrapping around her waist and dragging her against his chest. Her mouth opened, allowing him in, and he took the territory like the invader he was. His tongue dominated hers, rubbing and tasting and exploring. He didn’t care that they had an audience and that the audience included his ex-fiancée and her new fiancé. He wasn’t thinking about them or anything at all. All that mattered was Vanessa was soft and submissive in his arms. She was giving him everything he’d dreamed of all week.

He could do this whole mission without fucking her. She’d made it plain she was all right with a simple training relationship, but he wasn’t going to do it. He was going to have her. He was getting in this woman’s bed, and he didn’t care how he had to do it.

She’d told him he could touch her, so he did what he’d been dying to do. He let his hand run down her back and onto her ass, cupping one cheek.

Her chest rubbed against his, her pelvis, too, as though she was seeking out his heat.

“Are they going to do it here? I thought we were at least supposed to wait until we got to the dungeon.”

Vanessa pulled back, and Michael thought seriously about punching the newcomer, but then lots of people wanted to punch Kyle. His own brother mentioned it a lot.

Vanessa’s mouth was slightly open, her face flushed pink from arousal and now likely some modicum of embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

Tessa was staring at him like he had grown an extra head. “Yes, I can see that. Master Michael looks like he’s going to be a passionate top.”

He felt his face drop, but Tessa smiled at him. It was the little half smile she gave him when something came up about their relationship, the one that let him know it was okay, that they were better friends than lovers, and that was perfectly fine with her.

“I think that’s a wonderful thing to be,” she said quietly.

“I’m glad to hear that, baby.” David took his fiancée’s hand and dragged her close. “I think the professor is having office hours this evening. I hope you did your homework.”

Tessa gasped and bit her bottom lip. “Oh, Professor, I forgot all about it. How can I make up the grade? I don’t want to fail.”

Michael threaded his fingers through Vanessa’s. He didn’t like not having a hand on her. Like he was afraid she would get away if he didn’t keep her close. She moved readily into his space, leaning against him.

Kyle made a barfing sound. “Now they’ll do that all night long. I walked into the house the other day, and she was wearing pigtails and a school uniform. It’s gross.”

Tessa laughed, but David fixed his brother with a stare that might freeze fire. “You’re free to move out at any time.”

Kyle frowned. “But I just got settled in. And I’m used to the cat.”

Tessa’s eyes rolled, but the smile on her face told Michael how happy she was. “Brothers. They’re the same everywhere. Let me know if you need anything, Vanessa. I think the Master will probably take care of you, though. See you later.”