Kyle and David were still bickering as they walked toward the dungeon.

Vanessa dropped his hand. “That was his brother? David’s brother?”

She was staring as the Hawthornes walked down the hall.

“Yes. His name is Kyle. I work with him. Tessa, too.” He wasn’t about to mention that he’d done far more than work with Tessa once. It didn’t matter. He didn’t have those feelings for her anymore. He was starting to think he’d never had strong feelings for the woman he’d asked to marry him. They’d been together for over a year, and he’d never felt the feelings he had for Vanessa.

It was primal attraction. She was gorgeous and a challenge. That was all. The tenderness he felt for her was just the Dom in him. She needed protection, and he was a sucker for that.

She stared at Kyle.

Kyle, who was younger than him. Kyle, who had that dangerous predator thing women found hot down.

Jealousy curled through him, but then she was smiling as though she hadn’t been watching the other man like she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“What shall we do first, Sir?” She grinned up at him, the intense expression so completely gone that he almost wondered if it had been there at all.

He was being ridiculous. There was nothing to be jealous of. They weren’t a couple. They were training partners who were going to have sex. That was all it would be. He didn’t need to feel this crazy thirst for her. It would be gone once he’d had her. He would be good to her in bed, and if he found out she was doing something that might incur Julian’s wrath, he would deal with it. He would handle the problem for her and set her on the proper path. Hell, if she needed money, she could have some of his.

He’d been going about this all wrong. He didn’t have to be the bad guy. He could be the guy who helped her out and shielded her from the storm Julian could bring into her life.

Yeah, that was what he would do. He didn’t need to be jealous at all. He needed to get her in bed and then he would be able to think straight.

“Let’s start by watching some scenes, and then I’d like to introduce you to some impact play.” He’d planned the evening carefully. It would end exactly how he hoped.

With him getting what he wanted. And setting himself up to help her out.

Then he could move on with a clear conscience. At least that was what he told himself.

Chapter Nine

Vanessa watched as the big Dom used a paddle on his submissive. Wolf Meyer was a huge man, his body corded with muscles. Like many of the members of The Club, he was a man with an obviously open mind since he wasn’t the only Dom topping this particular sub. His brother, Leo, was also married to Shelley, she’d been told. At first she’d been worried about Shelley Meyer. She was so small compared to her two husbands. The first scene they’d watched had been between two men, and it had been sexy and beautiful. Then they’d moved to the main stage, and she’d gotten a little antsy when Shelley had taken the stage and sank to her knees before those two gorgeous men. All she could see was size and the disparity of physical strength between them.

But it was blatantly obvious that Shelley could handle her men. She’d stopped her husband in the middle of the scene because he wasn’t going “hard enough,” as she’d put it.

Then he’d gone super hard, and Shelley had grinned the whole time. Until her other husband had declared she was bratty and decided her mouth needed something to occupy it, and that something had been his very large penis.

She was watching sex. Watching it right in front of her, and it was doing something for her. It wasn’t that she’d never watched porn. She had, and it could be arousing, but nothing like seeing the real and deep connection between a woman and the two men who loved her.

“Are you okay?”

Michael stood right beside her, as he’d been all night long. He’d kept a hand on her, either tangled with her own or wrapped around her hip as they’d watched the scenes and talked to the other couples.

Other couples. She was starting to think of them as a couple. It was probably because except for sleeping together, they’d been behaving like one for days. She’d woken up that first morning at his place and made breakfast and coffee. He’d driven her to work and picked her up, and then they had dinner together and trained.

She liked it far too much.

“I’m fine, Sir.”

He tugged on her hand, easing her out of the crowd. All around them scenes were going on in the public portions of the very private club. The Meyers were on the main stage, but there were others. A pretty woman with light brown hair was being tortured in a medical scene to Vanessa’s left. Tortured was the right word, though she was certain the woman liked what was happening to her. She was begging and pleading, and not for the man with the violet wand to stop.