“Yes, and I know everyone suspects he did some work for the CIA. I do, too, but he won’t admit it. I also think there was a woman, but again, he won’t talk about it, won’t even acknowledge she exists. Or existed.” David straightened up. “Hell, sometimes I think about hiring a firm to investigate my brother.”

“That’s not a good idea.” Kyle was a potential powder keg. “Look, I know you’re worried about him, but if he thinks you’re getting into his business, you could lose him. He’ll talk when he’s ready to talk. All you can do until then is let him know you’re there. I should know. I was Kyle at one point. Not for the same reasons, but I pretty much ran away from my family for a while. I needed that time. Kyle needs this time. Despite his irrational relationship with MaeBe, he’s good at his job.”

“I worry about him.”

“I understand. And my brother worried about me. He was patient, and that’s probably why we have a great relationship now.” He felt for David. He knew what it meant to be worried about a brother. He also knew what it meant to be the one who had everyone worried. “We all watch out for Kyle.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it,” David said. “I’m glad we can talk, Michael. You’re a good guy.”

Michael had to smile a little. “Yeah. Tess and I had the world’s most amicable breakup. I doubt you would get the same treatment. She would come after you and hard.”

David’s lips curled up. “I would go after her, too. That woman isn’t getting away from me. Ahh, there she is.”

The door opened, and he suddenly wasn’t thinking about David or Kyle or MaeBe at all.

His whole world was Vanessa.

He knew somewhere in the back of his mind that she wasn’t alone, but every bit of his focus was on her and how fucking gorgeous she was.

He prayed he wasn’t actually drooling.

She wore exactly what he’d left for her. He’d selected the corset and boy shorts, and he’d thought she would look great in them, but she eclipsed his wildest dreams.

His most erotic dreams. This was the woman who commanded the silver screen, who had millions of men dreaming of getting their hands on her.

Long legs that led to hips he could hold on to while he fucked her. A waist that flowed in, making the sexiest hourglass. The corset caressed her and showcased her breasts and all that creamy skin. The blue of the corset almost perfectly matched those eyes of hers. Caribbean blue. Clear and true. He sometimes found himself getting lost in those eyes.

“So she looks pretty good, huh?” a familiar voice asked. Tessa’s tone was tinged with a wry humor.

“You look great, too, baby,” a deeper voice replied.

He’d forgotten David Hawthorne was waiting beside him. He’d definitely forgotten Tessa would be coming out with Vanessa. He’d forgotten everything but Vanessa.

He heard Tessa chuckle and noticed out of the corner of his eye that David had taken her hand and drawn her in.

And he still couldn’t take his eyes off Vanessa.

He should say something or he would seem like a weirdo who stared at her like she was a work of art and not a living, breathing woman. “You look stunning, sweetheart.”

They’d agreed when they were playing that he could use affectionate names with her. He’d taken advantage of it, calling her sweetheart and baby when they were training. He had to remind himself not to when they weren’t. Since that first night she’d stayed with him, she’d pulled back, placing a careful distance between them that he found deeply frustrating.

They’d been close that night when she’d wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked him to the most pleasure he’d had in years. She’d fallen asleep on his lap, and he’d thought they’d made a real breakthrough.

But she’d been back to her skittish self the next morning, and the only time he could get her to truly relax was during training. She seemed to sink into the role, and only then could she allow herself to be open to him.

He had her all night, and he meant to make some serious progress with her. He’d studied her for days, and he thought he might know how to get to her.

“Thank you. The colors are good on me, Sir.” She said the words evenly, but there was a sweet flush on her cheeks.

“Can you turn around for me? I’d like to see how the shorts fit.”

Her lips curled up. “They don’t, and I think that was the point.”

Saucy, but he allowed it because she turned and showed him how perfectly the shorts fit her luscious backside. Her cheeks peeked out from under the hem, and they were tight enough that he could see the whole outline of the round globes of her ass. “They’re perfect, and so are you.”