She doesn’t say anything and merely stares at me.

“Why didn’t you tell me; I could have helped you out,” I say, anguish in my voice.

She looks at me curiously. “What exactly did Sebastian tell you?”

“He told me what the media were saying. That you’re so much in debt, you’re almost bankrupt.” I inhale deeply. “I know how it feels to be squeezed into a corner. A person would do anything to get out of debt. Including betraying someone they love.”

She contemplates me without moving. “Correct me if I’m wrong. Are you suggesting that I had something to do with the press finding out about your biological father?”

“Did you?” I ask her. I need her to say no so badly. I need it to come from her mouth that she didn’t betray me.

Instead, her shoulders slump as if defeated. “I’ll get my things and move out. Kindly have someone bring the rest for me later.”

And that is my answer. Icy pain freezes my limbs. Every part of me aches as I watch her turn around and trudge up the stairs. I wait until I hear the banging of the door, and then I go into the living room. I go to the window that looks out.

Five minutes later, I see her emerge from the house lugging her paintings. Everything in me wants to beg her to stay. To say that she’s sorry and she made a terrible mistake. But you can’t ask someone to say sorry; it has to come from them.

She makes several trips. The last thing she carries is a bag with her clothes. She looks up at the master bedroom and then gets in her car and drives off. I stare until the car disappears out the gate.

Numbly, I go into the kitchen and find Maria pacing.

She sees me and stops. “What’s going on? Grace has left.”

“I know. I’d appreciate some coffee.”

“Yes, of course.” She throws glances my way as she makes the coffee. When she’s done, she places it on the island in front of me. I know she’s waiting for me to say something.

Grace had that effect on everyone. Everyone liked her.

“There are not a lot of people who can cope with the temptations that come with this lifestyle,” I say.

Maria narrows her eyes. “Grace seemed okay with it.”

I decide to be straight with Maria. We’ve been through a lot together, and she and Carlos are my family. “Someone sold the story of Adrian Martin being my father, and I can count on one hand the people who knew about it.”

“Emily messed you up, Kyle,” Maria says. “She made you think all women are looking to make a quick buck, and that simply isn’t true. I’ve spent a lot of time with Grace. She’s not that type. I trust my instincts, and from the moment I met her, I knew she was the good sort.”

I wish I, too, could trust Maria’s instincts, but she doesn’t know the things I know. Like your own parents can sell you out for money. What would stop a girlfriend?

Chapter 39


“How did you find out that Kyle Bryce is your son?” the reporter asks Adrian.

He’d asked for my go-ahead to do this interview telling everyone about our relationship. It’s a good idea, and I’m glad that he’s doing it. It’s Friday afternoon, and we’ve just shot our last scene until Monday. I’m in my trailer watching the live interview, after which I’ll probably go home.

“I can’t explain the details of how we found each other. All that I can say is that we did, and that’s all that matters right now.” Smooth. Adrian is a good man, and I’m glad I came from such stock.

“Mr. Martin, you never married or had children. How does it feel to have a son?”

Adrian throws his head back and laughs, joy evident on his face. “It’s a feeling that is indescribable. I’m trying to be cool about it and not overwhelm him with my emotions. I love being a dad. I get to have an adult son, and although I’d have loved to have known him from the moment he was born, this is better than nothing. I feel blessed and so damn lucky!”

I have tears in my eyes. Hearing him speak of me that way makes me want to visit my mother. I’ve called her twice, and she hasn’t returned my calls.

“Who would have thought?” a voice says behind me.

Startled, I swing around to find Skyler standing at the door, her gaze on the screen. I was so lost in thought I never heard the door move.


She shuts the door and joins me on the couch. Things have been cold between us since she stopped trying to hit on me. “Must have come as a shock to you,” she says.

“Yeah, but as he said, it was a good surprise,” I tell her, my guard going up.