“Hey, I’m free this evening. Do you want to go out for dinner?” she asks, a vulnerable expression coming over her features.

I could easily say yes, seeing as there’s no one waiting for me at home. A pang of pain goes through me when Grace’s face pops into my mind. God, I miss her. I would do almost anything to get rid of the emptiness I feel inside. But going out with another woman as a distraction is not the answer.

I shake my head gently. “Maybe if we’d met another time.”

She smiles too and then stands up. “She’s a lucky girl.”

I watch her as she walks out of my trailer. No use brooding over what’s already happened, I tell myself and jump to my feet. Keeping busy helps, I’ve discovered. I turn off the TV and grab my phone. I call Ethan and then leave for the weekend. I wave at several people as I leave the set and head to the parking lot outside. Ethan is waiting for me, and I hop into the car, and we’re off.

Grace is everywhere, including the car. I’ve been with her so many times in the SUV that I can see her seated next to me, smiling. I miss her gentle smiles. I miss how peaceful it feels to be next to her. I wonder what she’s doing now. Probably busy preparing for her show tomorrow. I’ve tried all I can not to think about the show tomorrow, but now I give in to it.

I’d waited for it for so long, and now I won’t even be there. A lot of my art collecting friends have called or written to me telling me they’ll be there. Despite everything, I’m excited for Grace. I know she doesn’t believe in her work, but I hope that tomorrow will show her how good her work is and that she doesn’t have to sell stories to make money.

The moment that thought goes through my mind, I stop it there and turn it around. Even now, I find it difficult to believe that Grace did it. But if not, why didn’t she deny it or say anything? Her reaction had not been that of an innocent person.

With a sigh, I see that we’ve reached my mother’s house. I see a new red SUV parked outside. She got a new car. Good for her. If it makes her happy, why not?

I get out of the car and head to the front door. I knock, and just as I’m about to try the door, it swings open, and a strange man who looks to be in his mid-forties stands there.

His face breaks into a grin. “Kyle Bryce. When Lilly first told me you were her son, I say no way! I still didn’t believe her until we got the SUV.”

“Keith,” a voice says from behind the man. Mom appears by his side and frowns at me.

It’s not exactly the welcome I was hoping to receive from her. “Mom, what’s going on? Who is this?”

“Come in, and I’ll introduce you,” she says. She giggles suddenly and looks up at Keith adoringly. I don’t even want to imagine what he might have done to make her giggle, but what is clear is that they are lovers. It’s written all over their faces and body language.

I’m surprised, to be honest. It’s not even been a month since her husband and the man I knew as my father passed on. I’m no prude, but that’s fast. She was so heartbroken when Dad died I wasn’t even sure she would recover from that loss. Not only has she recovered in less than a month, but she has a new lover. I’ve never truly understood my mother, and I understand her even less now. We all sit down in the living room.

“This is Keith. He’s the new man in my life,” my mother says and then giggles like a teenage girl.

It’s uncomfortable as fuck for me, and I wish I hadn’t come. I can’t just leave, unfortunately. I have to grin and bear it for a few minutes. Keith drapes his hand around my mother’s shoulders.

“She’s a fun old bird, your mother,” he says, looking as if he’s won the lottery.

“Keith and I are planning an around the world trip. I always wanted to do that but … you know,” my mother says.

Something puzzles me. “Why did you buy a car then? Shouldn’t you have used that money for air and hotel fare?”

“Your mother has got that all sorted out. We’ll be staying in five-star hotels, and they’re already booked,” Keith says.

My mother lets out a nervous laugh and stares at Keith pointedly.

“What?” he says. “Isn’t he the one who gave you all that dough?”

The suspicion starts like a seed and keeps growing. My mother shifts in her seat like a caged bird. The money that goes into her account is not enough to splurge on a new SUV and go for a tour around the world while flying business class and staying in five-star hotels.