I never expected her to say what she did, though. “This would look killer on a bowl.”

I still only brought her during the day, but we’d work up to one of the parties at some point. We had the rest of our lives to do it, so we could afford to take our time.

Today Wes and July were waiting just inside for us, knowing it was easier on Sienna if she was around people she was close to at times like this. Maddie was also inside, ignoring Darwin, who was trying to talk to her until she saw her best friend and skipped over to us.

“You’re here!”

Turning in a circle, Sienna looked around us, inspecting everything closely. She’d mentioned some ideas for a plate she’d decided to make on the way here for the club, now that she had time to do it, and I knew she was planning it out in her mind.

“Mad, don’t you think this place would look awesome on a plate, like the one we made for Blazing Inx? Can I take some photos on my phone so I can draw up some ideas?”

I could tell Wes liked the idea by how he was smiling at her, but it was July who squealed and jumped up and down.

“I love it. Here, let me show you some of my favorite places.” Then, smiling sweetly at her husband, she added, “I still want one of the hammered steel coffee tables, too, honey.”

“Like I’m going to say no to that,” he murmured back, unable to deny her anything, even after being married for seven years to her.

The three of them walked away, their heads together as they discussed what Sienna could do, and Wes moved closer to me and watched them with his arms crossed in front of him.

“Happy for you, brother.”

He was our president, the man we all respected, so those words struck deep. “Thrilled myself. Never expected to find someone as perfect as she is for me.”

With his eyes on his wife, he nodded his head slowly. “I know what you mean. They fill a space you didn’t know existed that makes you feel complete, right?”

Those words were exactly what I’d been saying but hearing them from him, and having seen how happy he and July made each other, I saw my future clearly for the first time. If she was my version of his July, we had a lifetime of happiness ahead of us.

“I’m gonna ask her to marry me.”

Throwing his head back, Wes burst out laughing. “Did you get amnesia, man? You already did. I’ve had to listen to July talking about ideas and plans for the last week.”

“No,” I told him, taking the ring out of my pocket. “I’m going to do it properly this time.”

Looking from the ring to me, he clapped me on the shoulder. “You both deserve this. And if you need anything, just shout. The club’s behind both of you.”

This was our place in life. Our paths had run alongside each other for years before they’d split, sending us in opposite directions. Almost like we were magnets, they’d come back together, this time joining, so we were on the same path together for life.

Yeah, fate existed, even for tattooed bikers. And she was it for me.


“Where are we going?” I asked as Jinx started up the bike. All he’d said was we were headed out for a ride, and I’d excitedly followed him to where it was parked up in the parking lot.

Because of the dogs, we didn’t really get the chance to go out on it, but today was a special one, so it was bike day. The first time I’d ridden on it, I’d been terrified out of my mind that I’d fall off the back of it, but now I was more relaxed and got excited about it when he suggested it.

Most of the club had Harleys, a brand I knew about and had even seen, but Jinx had one called an Indian, and it was beautiful. The black paint and chrome always looked spotless, and the logo down the gas tank always caught my eye.

He didn’t know it yet, but I was making a large bowl with it on to put in the living room. Maybe we’d use it to store the dogs' toys in, or perhaps we’d put a plant in it, but I wanted to make the house ours seeing as how he’d moved in and make it a blend of the two of us.

As we rode, I was hit by something I experienced every time we went out. The expectation of feeling a thrill, the wind through my hair like they described in books, but instead, I had a big helmet on with a visor blocking me from it all. I still felt free, though. Free from all of the weight that’d been pressing down on me.