That led us to now. I’d just walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist when she’d pounced, yanking it out of its knot and flinging it to the other side of the room.

The warmth flowing over the tip of my erection had me gritting my teeth as she moved farther down my length, taking me until I hit her throat.

“Christ,” I groaned, fisting my hand in her hair but letting her stay in control of how much she took. She was still new at this, but she was by far the best at it. “I want to marry your mouth, Sienna.”

I saw and felt her lips tighten in a smile as she moved back up to the tip, then she swirled her tongue around it, almost making my eyes roll into the back of my head. I wasn’t lying, I truly wanted to marry her mouth. Seeing as how I wanted to marry her, too, that was a win-win.

She was just descending back down when the words spilled out of me. “Marry me.”

All at one time, she jerked so hard that I hit something at the back of her throat that made her choke, meaning the muscles of it contracted around my tip and I came. I’d felt it building and was about to warn her to pull off like I did every time, but my muscles bunched so tightly that all I could do was gulp air into my lungs.

Instead of pulling off and running away, leaving me coming in the air, she swallowed and sucked harder, prolonging the moment for me.

When I felt the last spurt leave me, and my gut tensed for the final time, I cupped her cheek and watched her as she pulled back and sank onto her knees.

“I fucking love you, Sienna Blake.”

Blinking slowly, her mouth opened and closed a couple of times. “All of that from a blow job?”

“The best blow job.”

Snickering, she put her foot under her and pushed up until she was standing in front of me. I hated the distance, though, and pulled her into my chest.

“Please, my Sienna, marry me. Yes, I love your mouth, but I love all of you, from your strawberry red hair all the way down to the tips of your toes. I promise I’ll keep you and the boys safe, and I promise to—” I stopped and jumped when she nipped my chest with her teeth.

“You don’t need to promise me any of that. I know you will.”

When she didn’t say anything else, I pressed, “And?”

Tilting her head back, she gave me the smile that made my chest feel tight, and my heart feel like it was hitting my ribs.

“I guess I need to plan a wedding.”

Touching my lips against hers, I whispered against them, “Give me the word, baby.”


Threading my fingers through her hair, I angled her head to the side, so my mouth was next to her ear. “Not that one, the other one.”

“Yes, I’ll marry you, Jordan Jinx Quinn.”

And there it was. My world and heart were full. If I’d known what I had in front of me all of those years ago, I’d have wrapped her up and kept her safe from everything.

I was going to make sure I loved her and protected her for the rest of our lives, though.

Kissing her deeply, I tried to pour all of the feelings into her with it, but it wasn’t enough. “I love you so fucking much it hurts.”

“I love you right back, and it’s a nice pain to feel because it comes with you.”

Christ, this woman undid me in ways I never expected.

I was also going to ask her again—properly this time, with a ring and biker style romance.

I just had to think of a way to do it.

One week later…

Today was a club barbecue day, and we’d just arrived outside the gates.

The first time I’d brought Sienna to the compound, I swear I was so nervous, it’d felt like I was being electrocuted. When Wes had brought July here the first time, he’d done it during a party where everything was happening, including sex out in the open. July was one of those people who could take anything in her stride, though, so it hadn’t phased her at the time.

I hadn’t wanted to do that to Sienna. It would have been too loud, too noisy, and too busy. What if it’d scared her off? I couldn’t take that chance. I’d also still been feeling the anxiety of what’d gone down with Hazel, and that was partly responsible for how protective I was, even now, of her.

Because of that, I’d brought her during the day, when things were calmer, and there wasn’t anything going on out in the open. She’d squeezed my hand tightly as we’d walked through the tall gates, then she’d looked around us, taking everything in.