“What is going on?”

I cringed, doubling over. “Ok. It’s not nothing. Contractions.”

The last one faded and I caught my breath. I settled back into the chair. Everything felt normal again.

“We need to go. Now.” Jeremy’s eyes darted back and forth.

“No. That’s not the plan. We have a plan.” I wanted to stay home as long as I could. The idea of the hospital wasn’t what I wanted. Dr. Simons told me it was very common for first-time mothers to be in labor for a full day. I wasn’t going to rush to the hospital.

But then another contraction walloped me and I almost fell to my knees. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. I needed hours. I wanted a warm shower. I wanted my birthing ball. I wanted time to get to know the labor nurse.


“I’m on it. I’m calling Dr. Simons now. We’re leaving.”

I nodded. I wasn’t going to argue. The contractions were too close together. I had been robbed of words. He helped me into a car and we took off.

I wasn’t trying to set any records, but Austen Chloe Hartwell was born less than two hours after we were admitted to the hospital.

I watched as Jer paced around the room holding her. He had the most adorable grin on his face.

“Did you know she was a girl all this time?” he asked.

“No. I was as surprised as you.” Secretly, I had leaned toward pink my entire pregnancy, but I wanted the surprise. I didn’t want to know ahead of time. I liked the mystery and suspense. I liked being able to tell people we didn’t have a name.

He peeked at her face. “I can’t believe her.”

“Me either.” She had dark hair and perfect rosy skin. I hoped she had inherited Jeremy’s blue eyes.

“Or you.” He handed Austen to me. “You were incredible, babe. I’ve never been so proud in my life.”

I exhaled. I was exhausted. If the staff would let me, I could sleep for days. But the nurses kept interrupting every hour. No one was going to let me sleep.

“Your mom will be here tomorrow.” Jeremy plucked the baby from me and put her in the bassinet. “Do you think you can sleep?”

I nodded. “Just for a minute…”

He must have turned off the lights because everything was dark and I faded away.



The apartment was quiet. Evie and Austen were asleep in the bedroom. Naptime was my time to work. I ran the numbers again. I was going to pull this off. I’d have the full development software ready to launch before next quarter.

Scout was getting ready to dominate the sports app world. I smiled. Only two months ago I finalized a deal with some minor league ball teams for a shoe endorsement. Scout was kicking ass everywhere. There was only one final piece to complete the puzzle I wanted to assemble.

I heard a knock and almost tripped over the coffee table, trying to get to the door before Evie or the baby heard it. “Damn it.”

I growled pulling the door open. “Sasha.”

“May I?”

“Of course.” I was surprised to see her. “What brings you by? Did you want to see Austen? She’s sleeping.”

Sasha was one of the only people who hadn’t attempted to meet my daughter in the two weeks we’d been home.

“No. That’s not why I’m here.”