“All right. I just ran the app numbers and it looks good.” I grinned. “Fucking amazing, actually.”

She shook her head. “I thought I needed to do this in person.”

“Do what?”

She presented a blue folder. I’d seen folders like this one before. Whatever was inside it had been drafted in an attorney’s office. The gold seal was on the front.

“Sasha, what is this?”

“Your contract with an offer to purchase.”

My brows pinched together. I flipped the folder open. I read the first two paragraphs. I wanted to rip it up. I wanted to shred it in my hands.

“You’re selling your shares of Scout? What the hell is going on? What are you thinking?”

Her face remained stoic. “The offer you’re making is fair. More than fair.”

“I haven’t made a fucking offer to buy you out and you know it. I don’t want to buy out your part of the company. We’ve built it together, Sasha. Take this. I don’t want it.” I tried to hand her the folder but she backed away from me.

“You’ve always been the majority owner. This makes it official.”

I shook my head. “Why would you do this now? We’re about to have everything. All of it is happening at once and you’re ok walking away from years of hard work? It doesn’t make sense. You are nothing, if not a logical business woman. This is completely out of character.”

“It’s my decision to leave, Jeremy.”

“I don’t believe it. What could possibly make you do this?”

“I’ve assessed the risks and I don’t think this is a good one anymore. I’m moving on to a more stable opportunity. One with less family complications.”

I paced in front of the massive warehouse windows. “Risk? There is no risk. What kind of complications are you talking about?

“You don’t have your inheritance yet. I know why. I know exactly the reason that money isn’t in your account even though you’re too scared to tell me. Have you told your wife? Is that it? Is that the reason you haven’t taken the paternity test?”

I turned on my feet. I didn’t know how she had heard about the paternity suit. It didn’t matter. I would defend my child to the ends of the earth. “That is my daughter. She is mine. I don’t care if Byron Lancaster tries to block the estate in court, he’s wrong. The tests are going to prove it. Don’t you ever question it again.” I balled my fists at my side before shoving them in my pockets.

“But you haven’t had the test done yet. Why is that, Jeremy? Are you afraid she’s not your baby? Are you worried the world is going to find out your sham of a marriage was based on lies all along? You married someone to have a baby and you couldn’t even accomplish that. Did she sleep around on you?”

I glared at her. “You’re a cold bitch, Sasha. Cold.” I walked over to the coffee table, grabbed my pen, and the contract. I scribbled my name on the last two pages and threw it at her. “Take it and get out. I’ll have the money wired to you. Clear out your office. Everything,” I growled. “There’s nothing left to say. Get out of my home.”

She walked slowly to the door and turned. I saw her eyes spot something behind me. Her wicked grin told me everything I needed to know.


Evie was right behind me.



Sasha’s eyes were enough to send a chill to my soul. She smirked one more time before twirling on her heels and slamming the warehouse door behind her.

I was confused. I couldn’t possibly have heard what I thought I did. I’d never liked that woman. Partially for irrational jealous reasons, but partially because she just wasn’t a nice person. I tolerated her because of Jeremy. I never thought I had a choice. She was part of Scout. That meant she was always going to be connected to our lives. It had taken ten months, but I thought I had accepted her place next to Jeremy.

He was slow to face me.

“How much of that did you hear?” he asked.