“Yeah, man, those are cliché. Who are you anyway? Who let you back here?” Derek muttered.

“Derek! This is Beau, my Comm 224 partner.” I smiled reassuringly at Beau, noticing he was dressed in dark pants and a button-up shirt.

“Oh, right, the guy you’re fake dating for class. I heard about that. Can’t find anyone who will date you, man?”

“Derek! Seriously. What is wrong with you?” I withheld a slap that was ready to fly from my palm.

The irritated playwright rubbed the scruff along his jawline. “Nothing. Nothing. I’ll catch you later, London.”

He knocked into Beau’s shoulder as he exited the dressing room. I watched in total bewilderment as the other girls in the cast started filtering in.

“Beau, give me five minutes. I’m almost ready.” I smiled and shooed him out the door before the girls started disrobing in front of him. Nudity in this troupe was all part of the family environment.

The little pit that started to form when Derek was in the room eased with the chatter of the other girls. I didn’t think anyone else saw or heard what had happened.

Candace ran up and threw her arms around my neck. “Babe, you were unforgettable tonight. It was our best show yet. The best.”

I was glad Candace had decid

ed to stick with the performance. Although I was sure this was going to be her last show, it was nice to share the stage with her.

“Is Pearce here? Was he in the audience?” I hoped, for her sake, the man in her life had bothered to attend her opening night performance.

“He made it at intermission. He’s outside now. We’re going back to his place for a special romantic Valentine’s dinner. He said he’s going to cook. Isn’t he the sweetest?”

While the rest of us were taking off our makeup, Candace was adding to hers. There was a certain image associated with the role of football girlfriend, and Candace made sure she fulfilled Pearce’s expectations in every way possible. At least he was here on opening night—that should count for something.

“I’m happy for you, Candace. Sounds like you and Pearce are going to have a great time. I didn’t know he could cook.” We laughed together. The image of Pearce stirring boiling water while wearing his shoulder pads popped in my head.

“London, the guy outside the dressing room, is he who you’re blogging about for class?” Penelope, one of the costars, asked.

“Yes. That’s Beau Anderson. We’re Comm 224 partners.”

“He’s cute.”

Candace winked at me with a knowing look.

Nina skipped into the room and slammed the door behind her. “Holy shit. Who is the hot guy outside our dressing room?”

All eyes turned to me. Did other people immediately see what it had taken me a month to realize?

“Uh, that’s Beau.”

“Are you kidding me? What in the hell is wrong with you, London? That’s the rock-climbing, motorcycle-riding, basketball champion Beau?”

“Uh. Yeah.” I cowered in front of the lights. Nina was going to let me have it.

“I’m letting you off the hook this time because I know you have plans and because I have plans too.” She had the cat that ate the canary look on her face.

“You do?”

Candace chimed in. “Love is in the air. Of course she has plans.”

Nina’s cheeks were flushed. “I ran into Derek backstage and he asked me to get a drink with him. I think this is it. He has finally come to his senses.” I watched as she lowered her shirt to expose a little more cleavage.

“Um, Nina?”

“What?” She turned toward me, dabbing extra coats of mascara on her lashes.