I chickened out. She looked so excited and it was Valentine’s night. I couldn’t crumble the fantasy she had since our freshman year. “Nothing. Have fun.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Be careful.”

“Don’t worry about me. Candace is right. Love is in the air.”

“Bye, Candace. Tell Pearce hi.” I wanted both of my roommates to have a special night with their Valentines.

I grabbed my coat and my roses and walked out to meet Beau.

“Ready?” Beau eyed me as I covered up my deep green dress with a knee-length vintage coat I had found in a thrift store.

I looped my arm through the crook of his arm. “Yes. I want to know what the mysterious surprise is.”

“Right this way.” He led me through the remaining audience members and the cast.

Date Four: The Stars Are On Fire

We emerged onto the parking lot of Graham Memorial. I noticed the barren rose garden encircling one of campus’s famous landmarks, the sundial. I clutched my roses a little closer to my chest. It was sweet that Beau got roses for me on opening night, and even sweeter he called me pretty.

I followed him as he led me across the parking lot, past the dormant rose bushes, and toward the massive building adjacent to the theater.

“Where are we going?” I was just as nervous as I was excited.

Beau and I had to watch last week’s Love Match episode separately because of my rehearsal schedule. Nina had no problem turning it into our girls’ night. She finally had someone to watch the show with her, even if I was watching it out of graduation necessity.

Victoria and the bachelors were in Barcelona, where it was warm and sunny. The dating coordinators for the show had taken the intensity up a few notches since the first few episodes. I couldn’t imagine we were going to go on a helicopter ride tonight, or ride wild ponies on the beach. I had wondered all week what date Beau was going to try to pull off from the show. I had a feeling as the season progressed it was going to be harder and harder for us to simulate the dates.

“Ever been in the planetarium when it was closed?” Beau had a mischievous look in his eye.

“Are you serious?” I had never been in any building after hours except the theater, but technically, I was allowed to be there. It didn’t count as renegade activity.

He laughed. “Come on.”

We walked around to the farthest point of the dominant building, bordered by trees. I waited at the bottom of the stone staircase, while Beau jogged to the top and knocked on the glass. I felt like we were a part of the secret speakeasy society from the Roaring Twenties. The door cracked open and Beau motioned me to follow him inside.

“Hey, man, thanks for doing this,” Beau whispered to his unnamed partner in crime.

“No problem. Everything is all set. Have a good time.” He punched Beau in the arm and slipped out the side door.

“Who was that?”

“One of my roommates. He works here. Good to have connections, you know?” He smiled and pulled me down the dark hall.

I was quickly learning Beau had connections all over campus.

My heels clicked on the marble floors, reminding me of Professor Garcia’s boots in class. I giggled silently, thinking about her wild theatrics. If she wanted her students to live her class, she had two who were doing that and more.

“Beau, where are we going?” We were climbing a winding staircase. I worried he thought we could try repelling again. Along with flying and horseback riding, Victoria had gone skydiving this week and I was not interested.

“Stop being so nervous. You’re going to love it.”

We walked down another hallway and up a second staircase before he pushed open a door that led to the roof.

I caught my breath. The rooftop was glowing. Candle-filled glass jars created a walkway that led to the center of the roof and a pile of pillows and blankets. There was a picnic basket, a bottle of champagne, and roses—red roses everywhere.

“Oh, Beau. I—”

The roof of the planetarium looked like a professional set crew had decorated it for a romantic night under the stars. It was incredible.

“Wait. I have something else.” He held his phone toward the basket and tapped the screen. I smiled. My Rihanna song played.