He looked up from her body and made eye contact again, closing his mouth at the same time. Erik couldn’t tell with the class behind him, but a few of his students were looking in their direction now. Trixie didn’t mind the attention, but based on where she was clearly looking behind him, Erik seemed to suddenly remember that they weren’t alone.

He adjusted himself to stand a little more professionally.

“Uh, yes, that will do nicely.”

Erik reached out with one hand and lightly pinched her shoulder between two fingers, spinning her body to one side and then the oth

er. He was gentle but she felt like a paper doll being effortlessly repositioned. Trixie didn’t resist his colossal strength. A small explosion of arousal in the pit of her belly rippled outwards. Unfortunately he broke contact right after that.

“You’ve done good work with yourself. This is impressive Trixie,” he managed to say objectively. “Now let’s see how you do during the workout.”

Erik turned around and walked back to the front of his class.

“Okay, everybody, you’re going to lose a lot of electrolytes today. I hope everybody remembered to store up first. This is going to hurt,” he said smiling.

He wasn’t kidding. Erik didn’t even start slow. They started running in one spot, then began leaping up to slap their knees. He had them falling into burpees, lunging into squats, and twisting with weights, all to a mix of power ballads from the 1970’s blaring through a built-in speaker system.

Trixie liked that Erik led by example. He would occasionally walk around and make corrections to form, but otherwise followed along. He taught a punishing class, but none of his exercises were beyond Trixie’s existing ability. She had been cross-training for six months and, despite the sweat pouring off of her body, easily kept up to the class with energy to spare. She noticed that Erik frequently stole glances in her direction, but had no feedback for her technique.

Trixie wasn’t entirely sure what she was trying to prove, but it became very important to impress Erik. She knew these exercises well, had the stamina to do them all, and wanted him to know that. For so long as she’d known Erik, he was devoted to fitness, long before she took any kind of exercise seriously. She was a completely different Trixie now.

One hour and three circuits of the exercises later and class was done. Prone bodies were strewn everywhere, catching their breath and nursing burning muscles. Trixie sat cross-legged on her mat above them all, directly across from Erik, and calmly dabbed her face with a towel. He smiled across the room at her while they shared this moment of privacy in a room full of exhausted people.

Erik held up a finger and silently asked if she could wait behind. Trixie nodded.

As the last of his students began leaving, two nearby women adorned in bubblegum cupcake colored outfits spoke just loud enough to be overheard. Erik was congratulating other students at the door.

“Did you hear her name? Trixie?”

“I know. I mean, what is she, a porn star?”

“Hey, if you look the part--”

They laughed supportively of each other.

It never ceased to amaze Trixie. No matter where you went, bitches were there waiting to cuss you out. She couldn’t hold her tongue.

“With a little dedication and hard work, you both have potential, but it helps if you don’t let your scene partners do all the fucking.”

Their faces went slack as they stared at Trixie in shock, scandalized. Trixie smiled like a Cheshire Cat and took a drink of her water. Erik diplomatically stepped between the pair of women and placed an arm on each of their shoulders.

“Thanks for coming ladies. Great work today. Hopefully you’ll do better next week.”

Erik ushered them towards the door. The duo were unwilling to say anything in front of him but shot back a scathing glance in her direction.

Erik closed the door behind them, turned the lock, and flipped a ‘back later’ sign, before turning to address Trixie.

“Sorry about them,” he offered, “I get all kinds. If they’re willing to let me kick their asses, I can hardly turn them away.”

“I completely understand,” Trixie said as she stood up and gathered her possessions. “It’s a business.”

Erik crossed both arms in front of himself. “Is that why you’re here? You certainly don’t need this class. I couldn’t help but notice that you were barely winded afterwards. Do you have some sort of business?”

“No business. I genuinely needed the work out, and wanted to see if I could keep up with your regimen.”

“I don’t think it challenged you for a second. I have to say that I’m genuinely surprised Trixie. You’ve brought yourself a long way. Did you train with anybody?”

“Mostly on my own,” she admitted, not counting the false starts with the personal trainers. “I found a lot of exercises on the internet.”