In point of fact, Erik was the only other man, besides Cy, who had stayed rigid through her explosive release. He didn’t release like Cy did, but she also didn’t give him another chance after their brief tryst. Trixie moved on quickly instead, much like she always did, after sensing even the smallest amount of reservation in a guy. It simply wasn’t worth being disappointed or rejected. At least, that was the inevitable ending she imagined.

That said, Erik had been a glorious giant of a man, standing close to seven feet tall, proportionately slender, and but built like a brick house. Did she really want to revisit that connection, especially now that she had Cy in her life?

If memory served, Erik had been more sensitive than she first suspected. She picked up on the fact that he wanted to be seen as more than just a hulking physique, and seduced him accordingly. If there was anything else to the guy, Trixie couldn’t honestly say. She never took the opportunity to find out. He was European, and… that was about all she knew. Not even a last name came to mind.

Trixie shook her head in disbelief. Her quest to find a meaningful relationship had resulted in some pretty shallow assessments of men. Trixie was finding it increasingly difficult to see her past behavior in a favorable light. She had been little more than a predatory vixen in search of the most preserving penis of them all. Anything else attached to the cock had taken a back seat. Had her single-minded focus left a trail of perfectly viable, heartbroken contenders along the way?

Cy represented a fresh start, but she couldn’t help but wonder how many other guys she had prematurely cast aside. She had only given each guy a single chance to feed her furnace. After her first few romantic dalliances, that resulted in being rejected because of how copiously she released, Trixie became mercenary in her relationships.

Ever since then, if she got even the slightest hint that a guy was freaked out by her squirting orgasms, she moved on, oftentimes before the rejection had a chance to happen. Trixie may have hit the self-destruct button too soon in some cases. It took Cy, his prodigiously enduring erection, and a remarkable insight into her character before she paused long enough to consider the consequences of past judgments.

If Trixie was serious about starting fresh, perhaps that also entailed acknowledging the damage she had wrought in the past. Maybe even righting some of those old wrongs. Heck, perhaps there was something she could say to Erik that might make his class more comfortable to attend. Or was she just trying to manufacture a hot mess in which to oh-so-conveniently become enmeshed?

Trixie realized that she was negotiating with herself. Who did she think she was fooling exactly? It’s not like she couldn’t see exactly where her mind was already starting to wander.


She sat down at her computer and searched for all fitness instructors named ‘Erik’ in the city. Not knowing his last name turned out to be inconsequential. He was easy to find and had been quite industrious during the past year. Erik was now the owner of a self-contained studio called Bare All Fitness. He even offered a free introductory class for drop-ins.

Trixie could dress down and hopefully blend in among everyone else. Now that the obstacle course race was over, she needed an incentive to maintain all the hard worked she had put into her body. It’s not like she had been exercising on her own lately, or at all since Cy left. The other fitness centers she’d frequented were basically nonexistent options due to her history with them. And there was always her backside that still needed toning up. Trying to look good in front of a past fling was certainly one way to light a fire under her ass, even if she didn’t have any intention to revisit his monolithic anatomy.

There, it was settled. Trixie would sign up for Erik’s class, avoid drawing attention to herself at first, and get a feel for the situation. If he did pick her out of the class, then at the very least Trixie could use the opportunity to apologize for how she treated him in the past. They were mature adults after all. What could possibly go awry?

2. Tending Old Wounds


That didn’t take long. So much for not making an entrance. Trixie wore a baggy shirt over sweat pants precisely to avoid drawing attention to herself. She even showed up late to potentially sneak in under the radar. She hadn’t even unrolled her mat yet when Erik strode towards her from across the room, doing so with far fewer steps than regular mortals. Everyone moved aside to make way for his purposeful gate.

“Hi Erik. Good to see you,” she said, as he approached her larger than life. Erik towered over Trixie by more than a foot, well exceeding her most important standard of being taller than she was, in his case by an arousing stretch. He was no less rippling with muscle than she remembered.

“You’re taking this class?” he asked curiously, putting both hands on his hips akimbo and raising an eyebrow.

“I’m here aren’t I?” Ouch. That came out wrong. Don’t be a jerk Trixie. Remember, there’s more to this guy than meets the eye. She quickly changed her tact. “I’m surprised you recognized me.”

Erik smiled and pointed to her hair. “It’s not every day an authentic ginger walks into my class. You tend to stand out... for that and other reasons.”

Touché. Erik had a right to be a smart ass. He even managed to reference their past as well. Hopefully that meant there were no hard feelings.

“Still, I never figured you for the exercise type,” he continued.

“I never used to be, but I’ve been training for a while now. I haven’t really been challenged by my own routine lately and was hoping that maybe you could take me to the next level.”

That sounded way more flirtatious than she intended.

Erik nodded sagely and placed his chin between a thumb and index finger. He looked down at her appraisingly.

“I can tell you right now that those sweat clothes are going to be a problem. You’ll heat up a lot in this class. I hope you wore something underneath that so you can strip down, for your own sake more than anything.”

Trixie smiled deviously. Was he imagining her stripping down right now? She couldn’t tell, but had nothing to lose anymore. It’s not like her half-assed attempt at a disguise concealed her presence, almost as if she had sabotaged herself on purpose. Of course he would notice her hair.

She pulled the baggy shirt up over her head and pushed her sweat pants down in one continuous motion, stepping out of the legs without removing her sneakers. Trixie had stripped like this for him once before and wondered if he would remember. She straightened and looked up at Erik defiantly, wearing a loose pair of black shorts that stopped high up her thigh and a sports bra to immobilize her girls. Appraise me now, she thought, narrowing her eyes at him.

She was lean and mean. Not the soft Trixie he remembered. Her abdominal muscles had more than a passing hint of definition, but she remained curvaceous. Her arms and legs were strong and tone, but not bulky. Trixie wanted to be healthy and streamlined, but without compromising her appearance as a woman. It wasn’t always easy to balance. The stronger her upper body got, the smaller her chest became. She was down to the lower end of a C-cup, but her breasts remained pert.

Erik’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped open perceptively.

“Will this be more appropriate for your class?” she asked.