Erik was a large man, but she never remembered him feeling that good. It made sense. Core exercise didn’t just strengthen the muscles you could see, but the ones you couldn’t as well. Trixie was tighter all over, which meant that she could feel every ridge of his cock inside her more than she had before. Sex in general had only improved since she s

tarted working out, but sex alone was not enough to base a relationship on.

She had never been in a position to choose between two men before. Did she have to choose right away? She wanted Erik in the moment, but did she want him for good? She wanted Cy. The thought of him visiting two weekends from now still made her cheeks flush. He had passed her test twice in twenty-four hours.

Erik talked a good game, but she still didn’t know if he could handle her detonating orgasm. Sure, he did some research, which was sweet, but that was no replacement for the main event. He showed all the signs of being willing to go there, until Vanessa manifested in a puff of brimstone and spoiled everything.

Trixie realized in retrospect that she was being catty towards the woman, but who keeps standing there like that? Not that it bothered her in the least, but it was obvious what they were doing. Sure, as part business owner, it was her right to interrupt them. She would have done the same thing in her shoes, but with less overbearing superiority.

There was something about Vanessa that already rubbed Trixie the wrong way, like she was being judged by somebody who had no right casting stones. She never backed down to bullies, but couldn’t say for certain what they were locking antlers about. Was it a contest of wills strictly between them? Or was it possessive contest over Erik? Until today, Trixie had no claim or interest in him. She had just come off a wonderful weekend with Cy, followed by three stolen days. If anything, Erik was benefiting from her ramped up libido spilling over from the previous weekend. Trixie found it hard to shut it off, even when she knew more sex was coming.

Seeing Erik, however, and realizing what he represented -- a possible missed opportunity -- had changed everything. The whole afternoon with him, when held up against everything that Cy represented, a uniquely talented man among so many others who had come before, was a disaster waiting to happen. So why was she still considering going to Erik’s boot camp?

Vanessa acted like she had her claws in Erik, but Trixie could care less about what she thought. She wouldn’t play that game. If she had to fight for somebody, even somebody like Cy, then they weren’t worth her time. They either wanted to be with her or they didn’t. End of story. If she did go to Erik’s boot camp, it would be to trounce Vanessa’s impossibly tight ass.

Whatever dislike she felt towards Vanessa was between them. Hearing her exclaim “THAT was Trixie?!” meant she was privy to more than just business conversation with Erik. Had she picked up the broken pieces of post-Trixie Erik when he was researching her orgasm? Had Vanessa counseled him to move on, presumably into her arms? All conjecture pointed to yes.

What stuck in her craw was that Vanessa had clearly formed an opinion about her before they ever met. Sure, it was one thing to choose the side of your friend, but Vanessa seemed to pointedly look down at her, like she wasn’t worthy of a man like Erik, regardless of whether she actually wanted him or not.

Trixie unclenched her fists, not even realizing that she had been making them in the first place. Was she getting carried away with herself? She was making some pretty big assumptions, but they felt accurate.

It didn’t help that the only other women she interacted with from Bare All Fitness had made a crack about her being a porn star. Their opinions didn’t bother her in the least, but they did offer a larger glimpse into the kind of women who surrounded Erik. A class that Vanessa also taught. He deserved more than that. Whether Erik deserved what she had to offer was still unknown, but Trixie felt like she needed to see it through, even it that meant battling uber-camel toe Vanessa to see who had the higher threshold for pain.

The Bare All Boot Camp turned out to be an even bigger deal than Trixie first thought. They advertised as a weekend retreat, but in the city. You showed up Friday night, checked in to a five star hotel, three floors of which were completely closed off, and everybody exercised in a convention room, which was similarly protected behind lock and key. There was a three hour regimen early Saturday morning, followed by controlled meals and unlimited spa treatments. The evenings were your own and check out was Sunday morning.

Mortified at the way Vanessa behaved, Erik made the entire weekend complementary to Trixie. She offered to pay, but he refused to take her money, waving every cost if she decided to attend. They had interacted across e-mail and instant messaging all week, during which he dispelled all of her playful concerns that she was joining a cult.

The unisex philosophy applied to the retreat as well. You always had the privacy of your own room, but the idea Erik and Vanessa encouraged was that nobody should feel ashamed of their body. If you ended up stripping down to nothing during the workouts, that was your prerogative and nobody would bat an eyelash.

The retreat was an invite only affair. The boot camp was run irregularly, whenever enough people passed their screening process, so that they never made compromises by simply accepting whoever could pay. They only wanted people who were serious about fitness and weren’t there to gawk.

It couldn’t be that selective a process, Trixie thought, when she spotted the two fitness bitches wandering the hallways together. She decided not to judge everybody based on their behavior alone. To that end, she suspected that Erik muscled her invitation into the retreat, although Vanessa had said that she was looking forward to her attendance, but doubted she would come. Surprise. Trixie rarely backed down when challenged.

Erik and Vanessa received her graciously when everybody checked in Friday night. He did his best to be professional, but she could feel his eyes looking through her clothes. His stares were not unwelcome. Vanessa had either completely switched personalities or was extremely good at hiding her distain. She was dressed much more modesty than their first meeting, but still wore sheer clothing that accentuated every muscle in her implacably hard body.

Vanessa acknowledged their last meeting, hoped they could put it behind them, and start fresh. Trixie played along for now, but didn’t completely lower her guard. It could simply be a show for Erik and the other students. All that mattered was how she behaved when they were alone.

That opportunity came sooner than she expected. Trixie was just beginning to settle in when there was a knock at her door. Looking through the spy hole, she could see Vanessa standing outside.

Trixie swung the door open to find her much as they first met, now changed into her sports bra and tight pants. Her whole body rippled with muscle. Vanessa didn’t have the physique of a body-builder, but she did have broad shoulders and strong arms. Her face remained feminine, even pretty, but her breasts were smaller than Trixie’s, and bulged with muscle, no doubt reduced to that size by exercise. And of course, there was the camel-toe, displayed proudly for all to see. She may as well have shown up naked. As it was, Vanessa was dressed for battle.

Trixie decided to play it cool and let her break the silence. She had come knocking after all.

“Am I catching you at a bad time?” Vanessa finally asked.

“Not at all. Do you need my help with anything?”

Trixie knew very well that she didn’t want her help in any capacity, but Vanessa bit her tongue instead of saying so. She was on good behavior for some reason, but it wasn’t coming naturally.

“No, thank you, but could we have a moment, in private?”

Trixie stood back and held her arm out to the suite, inviting Vanessa inside. She was curious to see where this would go. Trixie closed the door once Vanessa stepped inside, who started talking directly.

“I was hoping we could talk about Erik.”

“If you like. Would you like to sit down?” Trixie said, gesturing to a pair of chairs and a coffee table.

“No, this won’t take long. Erik means a lot to me. He’s my business partner, but I care about him too. He’s also a friend. A close friend. I was there for him when he went through a rough patch… after dating you.”