Erik donned his compression shirt and shorts without so much as even spritzing and then walked through to the class room. Vanessa was going to smell her sex all over him. That wasn’t going to make his business partner happy, but she didn’t stop him.

Trixie came out from behind the tiled wall and started to shower on the other side. She couldn’t hear what they were talking about over the water and didn’t care to be honest, but she did watch them talking. The change room door lined up with the shower entrance perfectly.

They were standing by the entranceway, not yelling, but Vanessa did look back in her direction on several occasions. Trixie made sure she was visible, buoyantly flopping around under the warm water. The two of them created a fitness center with unisex facilities after all. Far be it from Trixie not to take advantage of such open-minded design. They were still talking when she finally made her way towards the front entrance, now dried off and dressed. Vanessa gave her an assessing stare down the slope of her perfect nose as she entered.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. The shower is all yours,” Trixie told Erik before shifting to Vanessa. “I hope the two of you managed to work everything out.”

“We’re still talking,” Vanessa answered dryly.

“Fair enough,” Trixie turned back to Erik, “I really should get going. A woman can only delay for so long.”

“Let me walk you out,” he offered.

“No, you stay here. We’ll talk later.”

She smiled at him and collected her mat and baggy clothes, bending over at the hips so he could take one last admiring look at her curvaceous backside. He indulged. Trixie breezed past Vanessa and walked over to Erik again.

“Sign me up for that boot camp next weekend. I’ll check my schedule to see if I can make it or not.”

Cyril wouldn’t be back until the weekend after next. Trixie knew that she would be free, but wanted to create suspense in this moment.

“We still have some catching up to do,” she added.

Trixie winked at him. Erik blushed. She turned to face Vanessa one last time.

“Perhaps I’ll see you there as well?”

Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “I’m looking forward to it, but I won’t get my hopes up,” she said caustically.

A challenge. Vanessa was a wildcat. Trixie could see Erik shift uncomfortably out of the corner of her eyes. The two woman eyed each other silently, each comfortable in their own skin. Trixie, tone and voluptuous where it counts. Vanessa, tight and utterly devoid of fat.

“It’s been a pleasure Vanessa,” Trixie said, breaking the tension.

“I can’t say it’s been the same for me,” Vanessa quipped.

Trixie was kind of hoping she would say something like that. She could tell Erik was immediately disappointed by her lack of tact. Europeans were like that.

Trixie nodded, spun on her sneakers with a squeak, and strutted out the door, content that Vanessa had hung herself. She enjoyed making a good exit even more than making a good entrance. She walked away, delightfully energized from the excellent rollicking she had just received. Trixie could hear their muffled voices talking after the translucent glass door clicked shut, and one voice ring out loudly.

“THAT was Trixie?!”

He held onto that little piece of information until after her departure. Well played Erik.

5. Snatched Up Tight

There was a message from Cy on the answering service when she got home.

"Hey Firecracker. Looking forward to seeing you next weekend. I've got a surprise for you that I'm pretty excited about. Call me when you get a chance. Bye for now."

Trixie smiled at the sound of Cy's deep voice. She was surprised at herself. Seeing Erik had swung the door open to new possibilities with him. What had started as a genuine desire to apologize for past mistakes quickly turned into a rambunctious bout of sexual healing.

Why kid herself, Trixie thought. She was horny and wanted a good thwacking. That was certainly the most straightforward reason. Had there been more to it? There seemed to be more at stake for Erik. He had been so earnest and emotional with her beforehand. That is to say, before she shut him up with a kiss. Was she really so afraid of dealing with men’s feelings that it was preferential to drop trou and screw their brains out instead? A question for another time perhaps.

She was flattered that Erik had seen her as an equal during the class, and then invited her to his Bare All Boot Camp for advanced students. That alone made her day. Trixie was proud of all her hard work. She had never seriously exercised until signing up for that obstacle course race. The fact that Erik ogled her before the class and then complemented her fortitude afterwards set the mood for her libido. She was predisposed towards him after that.

Sure, the naughty part of her mind had already been fantasizing about him beforehand, which established what she would allow herself to do, but the timetable had accelerated at a breakneck pace after that, pretty much from the moment he kicked all other students out the front door. Anything was possible once they were alone.

Trixie was hungry, maybe even starving for him in that moment, even while she was apologising. What was the point in hiding it? Her attempt at playing the repentant mistress was barely convincing. She had been more of a wanton succubus.