Trixie bet she had. Generally speaking, guys were easy pickings, but a recently shot down guy who was low hanging fruit. Whether they realized it or not, their egos need a pick me up. Nothing accomplishes that more than a willing twist in which to forget about their past sorrows. Women weren’t much different in her opinion.

“Erik and I got to know each really well during that time. I feel like we formed a bond that brought us closer as people, if not a couple. I’ve invested a lot of myself into that relationship. I hope you can understand that.”

Trixie nodded. There was no harm in being understanding.

“I know Erik invited you to be here,” Vanessa continued, “and he insisted that I make you feel welcome, so I am. At least, that’s my intention, which is why this is hard for me say…”

Vanessa was double talking, and not by choice. Erik must have really given her a piece of his mind. Any respect she was affording her now wasn’t genuine and all this beating around the bush was contrived to the point of grating. Trixie decided to let her off the hook.

“Just say what you mean Vanessa. It’s only us here. I won’t tell on you.”

Vanessa’s eyes flared a little. The venom that Trixie correctly guessed hadn’t gone far returned.

“Back off Erik.”

That was more like it. She would much rather deal with Vanessa on the surface, without the veneer of politeness.

“I can’t promise that,” Trixie said, standing her ground.

“You had your chance with Erik. You threw him away,” she said, actually pointing at her with an accusing finger.

“And you had your chance picking up the pieces. But after all that time, you still can’t even call him your boyfriend, can you?”

“I make him happy,” Vanessa said defensively.

“He seemed pretty happy with me last weekend in the shower.”

Vanessa stood up straight. She was at least one-half a foot taller than Trixie.

“I’m more his size,” Vanessa said proudly.

Trixie raised a ginger eyebrow up at the woman. What was this, high school? Would they compare bra sizes next? If they did, Vanessa would lose. Instead, Trixie decided to bait the woman.

“You’re more his size? Really? Length and width?” she said, pointing at Vanessa’s all too visible loins.

Her mouth dropped open.

“How dare you!”

“Oh come on Vanessa, the

way you parade that shaved squirrel around constantly I could describe every one of your folds to a sketch artist. It’s like a black hole for my eyes.”

“I… I can take Erik… just fine,” Vanessa stuttered.

That answered both of Trixie’s questions.

“You’ve been Erik’s friend with benefits, at best. That’s after almost a year of trying for more. If anything was going to happen between you and him, besides the occasional hook up, it would have already. So no Vanessa, I will not back off Erik simply because you command it,” she said calmly.

Trixie crossed her arms and stared up at Vanessa. She hadn’t decided whether or not she would revisit Erik during this retreat, but that was her business. It would not to be dictated to her by a body-obsessed peroxide-blonde used to getting her way.

“He fell apart after you dumped him,” Vanessa countered, “I put him back together. He’s mine now. And I have more in common with Erik than you do. We don’t just share a business together, we think the same way. We have the same uncompromising discipline. All you can offer him that I can’t is a spacious cunt. I can already guess at how it got that way!”

Okay, she deserved that. Still, Vanessa could throw all the stones she liked. Trixie was immune to them, but she wouldn’t be kind now. She menaced towards Vanessa, who reflexively stepped back.

“You’d be surprised how much that means to a man like Erik. Do you have any idea what he really needs? He walks on eggshells around a woman’s body. I’m guessing that’s your fault. He wasn’t like that when I knew him. He could cut loose and really enjoy himself. I managed to undo all of your damage in one afternoon, and I did it all with my spacious cunt.”

“He… cuts loose with me,” Vanessa said, not really knowing what she was talking about. Trixie put the lie to her statement.