“You sure?” Ozzy asks, looking apprehensive. “I can hang back if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. I just want to chill out. You guys go have fun.” Truthfully, I liked the fact they enjoyed their time together. It made us stronger and solidified that this relationship isn’t just about me—but all of us.
When the platters are cleared and the boys have each eaten two pieces of cake, Mrs. Gimple announces a few activities for the night. Snowboarding, board games, swimming…
The guys follow me across the lobby, and I’m grateful I’ve managed to stay clear of Alice. The last time I saw her, she was headed down to the pool with a bunch of the kids from drama. At least she wasn’t following Coach Chandler and the other men back to the bar.
“Ken,” Sadie calls from one of the couches by the fire. She and few other kids from yearbook are setting up a game. “Want to play?”
I raise an eyebrow. “As long as it doesn’t require any movement—like Twister or something,” I call back.
“Just your brain,” Bryant says. “You didn’t get a concussion today like Caden, did you?”
Caden took a hard fall on the slopes today. Lucky for the student body, Walt Chambers got a video of it. He doesn’t actually have a concussion, but it gives me pause and I look
over at the guys. “Be safe, okay?”
“We will,” Finn says.
“See you in the morning,” Ozzy says, squeezing my hand.
The game is fun—one of those where each card is a battle against the other. It’s silly and stupid. We pack up at midnight when Mrs. Gimple comes around, reminding us of curfew.
“Night,” Sadie says when we get to the second floor. She opens her door and steps inside. Mine is three down and across the hall. I get inside and see that Alice isn’t back. I don’t want to think about where she is or who she’s with. I shut the door, making sure the lock latches. In the bathroom, I scrub my face and brush my teeth, then change into a T-shirt and shorts. I down two pills—specific ones my mom packed. They’re for muscle pain. It’s like she knew I’d struggle after a day on the slopes. It’s a relief when I get under the soft, crisp covers. I may be a nerd—playing board games—but it’s been a long and exhausting year. One more day and a new one begins.
Maybe the next one will pass a little easier.
I rouse, sort of, to the shifting of blankets, the subtle movement of the mattress. A warm hand touches my thigh; gentle and smooth. The body curves around mine, pulling me close. I’m too tired to get up, my head groggy. Soft kisses pepper my neck. My eyes flutter open but it’s pitch black.
“Hey,” I mutter, wondering which of the boys sweet-talked their way into the room. I strain my eyes at Alice’s bed. The covers are smooth.
“Shhh,” my bedmate replies, a hand gliding over the thin cotton covering my breasts, peaking my nipples. I arch my back and the kisses continue, slow and sensual over my shoulders, the hand dips lower, skimming my belly—drawing out an ache of want.
Slowly my mind as well as my body awakens; flesh goosebumped, core wet. I reach behind me, pushing my fingers along the column of my bedmate’s neck. The skin is soft. The neck narrow.
“Jesus,” the person breathes, plunging their hand down my pants. “You’re so wet.”
My skin crawls and my pulse quickens and I turn. Even in the darkness I can make out the shape and body.
It’s none of my boys.
“Alice—” I gasp, but her mouth crashes into mine. Her hand rubs between my legs and her tongue forces its way between my lips. She tastes like fruit punch and aggressively grinds against me. I struggle, trying to push past the haze of my drug-induced grogginess. Alice is freakishly strong, flipping me on my back and straddling me to keep me down.
“What are you doing!” I fight against her, but she’s got her hands clamped around my wrists.
“I-I-I love you,” she confesses. Her words are a little slurred. “I’m tired of pretending otherwise.”
“Alice.” I wiggle beneath her trying to get some space. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re drunk.”
“Liquid courage, right? I’m not releasing you until you hear me out.” In the faint filter of light from under the door, I see her profile. The haunted look on her face scares me. “I love you,” she says again. “I want you, so goddammed much. I’ve always wanted you, but you could never see me. All you wanted was Rose. Finn.” She swallows thickly. “Now Ezra and Ozzy. Is everyone in this damned town really better than me?”
I blink, trying to process what she’s saying. She’s always loved me? Like loves me? The pain pills dulled my senses but even thinking clearly, it’s confusing as hell. Trying to figure out how to calm her down. Her nails dig into the flesh of my wrists. “Of course, they’re not better than you.”
“Then why do you love them and not me? Why do you let them taste you, feel you, fuck you? You’ve pushed me away.” Her eyes darken. “If-if you give me a chance, I can give you everything they do—more. I can be your forbidden lover. I know you better than anyone, Kenley. I can give you what you want.”
She kisses me again, less forcefully, but still against my will. I clamp down and turn my head away.
“Alice.” Tears prick at my eyes. “This is not what I want. You’re scaring me. You’re hurting me.”