“I’ve got it.” He tightens the reins, dodging around a kid on a plastic disc. With our speed and momentum, it veers us toward the tree line. We hit a ridge of snow, this one catapulting us off the sled. I fly through the air, eyes closed, hands protecting my head. I land with a thud against the packed snow. I hear Finn land next to me with a grunt. I scramble up, my breath still knocked from me, and reach for him.

“Finn! Are you okay?”

He’s flat on his back, face scrunched in pain. “I think so. You?”

I nod, feeling discombobulated. “Yeah. That was terrifying.”

He cracks a grin. “And fun.”

“That was not fun,” I say, but it’s not the truth. It was exhilarating. Wild. Free. He eyes me, knowing me better than I realize. “Want to go again?”

He laughs and struggles to his feet, then offers me a gloved hand. I take it, and he hoists me up, pulling me into his chest. “I’ll go anywhere with you—no matter how dangerous or death-defying.”

He bends and kisses me, faster than I want, but we’re in public.

“Ready?” he says, grabbing the sled strap.

“Yep,” I reply, this time with zero hesitation, and we start back up the mountain.

Mrs. Gimple is right. After that first encounter, Alice and I are both too busy to see one another. When I get to the room to change out of my wet clothes, it’s obvious she’s already been there. The sink is damp, and her snow pants are hanging on the back of the bathroom door, drying. I struggle out of my own soaked outfit—everything got wet during the big crash and the continuously falling snow.

I shower and change into leggings, a fluffy gray sweater and fleece-lined boots. Exhausted and achy from the full day of sledding, I avoid the stairs and go to the elevator. The doors open and see Ozzy inside, leaning against the wall.

“Hey.” His face lights up.


His eyes sweep over me as I step in and the door has barely closed behind me when he grabs me by the waist and pulls me close. His mouth crashes against mine, hot, wet, needy, and I hitch my leg over his hip wanting to get closer. Ozzy’s hands push into my hair and I exhale into his mouth. He tastes like mint, his tongue warm, his jaw firm.

The elevator ride is short and we part as the bell dings, a second before the door opens. We slide apart, and I lean against the wall, heart pounding, knees weak. The door opens, revealing our classmates milling around the lobby. Ozzy smooths his shirt and glances over, smirk twisting at his lips.

Jesus. I think he did that on purpose.

He extends his arm, offering for me to exit first. I do, hoping I won’t stumble over my own feet in a haze of lust. Not one person in this room knows the effect that boy has on me, how he’s learned exactly what my body wants. I glance down at the ring on my finger with smug knowledge of my relationships.

We walk through the lobby toward the dining room, my lips tingling. Ezra and Finn are already at a table—Finn with a piece of bread crammed in his mouth. They both stop talking and look our direction, eyes darting between us, like they know we’d just been kissing.

I sense something else and the hair on the back of my neck rises. I look around and see the table of chaperones. Jason Chandler is staring in my direction. His cheeks are pink—probably from the wind on the mountain. His eyes that bright alluring blue. Mr. Waller says something to him and then looks my way. I lift my chin, pretending not to be bothered by their very existence. Mr. Baxter’s eyes cut between us, then he says something that draws their attention away.

“God, they give me the creeps,” I mutter as I sit with the guys. The table is filled with platters of food. Ezra and Finn’s plates are already full. I grab a serving fork and add chicken and vegetables to my plate, while Ozzy goes for the bread.

Boys. They love their carbs.

“Ignore them,” Ezra says, popping in a in mouthful of potatoes. “They’ll be down at the bar after we have curfew, reliving the good old days.”

I shudder, not liking the idea of these predators roaming around drunk. I’m definitely locking my door tonight.

Dave Reynolds strolls by and stops at the table. “People are meeting up at the indoor pool tonight after dinner.” He bends down and says quietly, “I snuck in a couple bottles of grain alcohol.”

“We’re thinking of going snowboarding. The slopes are open until ten,” Finn says, looking at me.

“Cool. If you change your mind, we’ll be there until lights out.”

From the smirk on his lips, I suspect the party will go on far longer than that.

After he walks away, Finn looks at me. “Want to come with us tonight?”

I laugh. “No way. My body feels like it got run over by a train. I’m going to take some Advil and go to bed.”