I nodded. “Yes, but only because I didn’t want to wake you.”

He shuffled over to me and pulled me into his arms.

I melted against his body, wanting nothing more than to just stay there. But I couldn’t do that, not until the people who were threatening the things I cared about most were dealt with. I’d let Clive get away with too much for too long, and I knew that had been a mistake.

Gabe rubbed my back, cradling me against him. “Please don’t do that—don’t leave without telling me. Not right now. Otherwise, I’ll be worried. Okay?”

I nodded stiffly against him. “Okay.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

He pulled back and kissed my cheek. “I’ll call you from my office. I’m going to make some calls this morning, talk to a colleague I have in Shenzhen. Try to find out if he knows anything about Jiàn or its CEO. If you hear anything from Dave and Leo, call me immediately. Please.”

I headed to the door. “Fine.”

Gabe watched me, more alert now. “And Lauren, keep your security with you. I mean it. If I find out you were alone at all today, you’ll be working from home indefinitely. My home.”

“Yes, sir.” I tried to sound as if I were joking, but my voice wobbled a little.

“Are you okay?” Gabe’s eyes searched my face. “I know it was a shock to see those pictures.”

I nodded jerkily. “I’m fine. I just want to get to the bottom of all this. That’s all.”


Closing the door behind me, I realized he didn’t sound as though he meant it.

Chapter 15

I checked in with Leo and Dave as soon as I got to Paragon. Leo was slumped behind his desk, the dark circles under his eyes like purple bruises against his skin. He robotically scrolled through data on his computer, an enormous cup of coffee next to him. Dave sat on the couch, his laptop propped up on his bony knees. He jumped up when I came in and shook my hand. “You must be Lauren.”

“Thank you so much for being here, Dave. Are you two doing okay?”

“Now that I’m not being subjected to a cavity search, I am.” Dave laughed, a funny, guttural sound, and I immediately decided I liked him.

I looked at him sympathetically. “Sorry about that. Security’s a top priority for us.”

He shrugged. “S’okay. I get it.”

Leo looked up. “Dave’s already taught me a couple of tricks. He’s a pro.”

“Great. And thank you for your…find last night. The photographs.” I smiled at them tightly, wanting to skirt the underlying implications of those pictures and stay all business. “Are we able to access most of Warren Technology’s files now?”

They both nodded.

“Perfect. I need to see Clive Warren’s schedule for today. Please send it to me as soon as you can.”

I turned to go, then hesitated. “Dave?”

“Yes?” He looked at me expectantly.

“Under no circumstances are you to tell anyone else what I’ve asked you to do. You work for me now.”

I headed to security, where Eddie was watching the camera feeds. “I need to talk to you and Timmy.” I texted my poor personal security guard, who hadn’t taken a day off in weeks, and asked him to come up. When he got there, I took a deep breath. “You two have been with me for years. I trust you both.”

They both instantly looked wary. I often thanked them, and I paid them very well, but the word “trust” probably sounded more touchy-feely than either of them were used to.