I felt sick. “What is this?”

“Dave and Leo just sent it to me. It’s a copy of a file they found on Clive’s computer—a file he sent to that executive assistant in Shenzhen.”

I scrolled back through the photos. “What? Why?”

Gabe’s eyes looked troubled and tired. “I’m not…completely sure. But Dave found the email that accompanied it.”

I was immediately wide-awake. “What did it say?”

“It said that we were under surveillance.”

He opened the email from Clive, and I quickly read it. Subjects are under surveillance. Will update accordingly.

The world wobbled around me. “Does that mean—”

“I don’t know what it means,” Gabe interrupted. He put his arms around me and pulled me to him, holding me close as if to shield me from the information. “All I know is that this is more dangerous than I thought. And I’m glad you listened to me for once, and that you’re here.” He ran his hands down my hair as I shuddered against him.

My mind whirled. We were in da

nger. Gabe. Me. Why would they have pictures of us? Nothing made sense, but I tried to sift through the new information in a blind panic.

Gabe put his laptop on the nightstand, switched off the light, and pulled me down onto the bed. “I called my security manager and told him that I need extra guards—at your house too.” He pulled me close in the darkness. “I’m not taking any chances.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m sorry I woke you.” He kissed my hair. “Go back to sleep. I just wanted you to know as soon as I did. I didn’t want to keep it from you.”

I leaned back against him as he wrapped his arms protectively around me.

“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, babe. I promise.”

Gabe might be able to protect me, but who was going to protect him? “I don’t want this to be real. I want to wake up tomorrow and realize this was a dream.”

“I would sign up for that.” He was quiet for a bit. “I don’t know what Clive’s gotten himself into. Whatever it is, he’s in deep. I’ve known him for years. He’s sometimes displayed questionable ethics, but I never saw anything that led me to believe he was capable of this.”

“What is this?”

He pulled me closer. “I’m not sure. But it seems like Clive’s agreed to sell more than just your technology to the highest bidder.”

I shivered against him, and my mind continued to race as I waited for the dawn to come.

I finally fell back into a fitful sleep. When I woke up, one thing was immediately clear to me. My relationship with Gabe had put him in danger, and that was unacceptable.

Because I didn’t want to lose him.

The thought was more bitter than sweet. The truth of it, the weight of it, hit me as I lay there with his arms wrapped around me. His breathing was even and shallow as he slept. Now that he was in danger, I knew how important he’d become to me. The realization that I’d made him vulnerable made me feel physically sick.

I’d been the one to put Gabe in harm’s way, and I had to figure out a way to protect him. I had an idea about what to do, but he would certainly not approve.

I clung to him for a minute longer then sighed, slipping out of his arms. I took a quick shower, dried my hair in record time, and pulled it up into a messy bun. I threw some clothes on, moving carefully so I wouldn’t wake Gabe. I wanted to let him sleep for at least a few hours.

I also wanted to avoid him.

I was in the kitchen assembling my bag when I heard him. “Where do you think you’re going?” Gabe asked. He came out in his boxer briefs, his eyes puffy.

I tried not to stare at how cute he looked, all sleepy in his boxers, still warm from bed. “To Paragon. I have to meet with my security team.”

“Were you going to leave without telling me?” He sounded sleepy but annoyed.