“Uh, are you….” Spencer looked completely out of sorts as he shifted his gaze between Emilio and Raul. “Ahem. Is everything okay?

“Sure. Raul’s being a dick.” He looked back at his brother over his shoulder. “Ain’t that right, Ro?”

“I don’t know, hermanito.” Raul shrugged. “Dick’s more your area. I was thinking you were being a pussy.”

Emilio threw his middle finger up and kissed Spencer’s cheek. “Ignore him,” he said. “He thinks he’s a comedian.”

“Are you sure everything is okay?” Spencer whispered, sounding deadly serious.

“Yeah.” He pulled Spencer into a hug. “We were just foolin’ around. You know how it is. You have a brother.”

“I guess I don’t. Steve and I haven’t ever been, uh, close.”

Emilio’s heart ached in sympathy. His brothers could be a pain in the ass, as Raul had just proven, but Emilio didn’t want to imagine his life without them, and he wouldn’t change their relationship for anything. Before he could say anything in response to Spencer, Raul was suddenly right there, squeezing Emilio’s shoulder with one hand and Spencer’s with the other.

Emilio realized Raul had overheard Spencer talking about his brother when he said, “Don’t worry, Spencer. We’ll make sure you’re used to us before we start wrestling with you.”

It was as close to saying “welcome to the family” as anyone in the Sanchez clan would get. Emilio covered Raul’s hand with his own and patted him in a silent thank-you.

“I’ll see you tonight, cariño,” he said to Spencer. Then he leaned down and kissed Spencer one more time before following his brother out the door.

Chapter 10

THOUGH it was completely out of character, after only three weeks, Spencer was already used to his new routine. He’d wake up during what he previously considered the middle of the night and either kiss Emilio good-bye or, if he could manage to stay conscious after the first couple of kisses, they’d rub and touch and suck their way to sweaty, sticky fun. Then he’d fall back asleep for a few hours, go to work, and come home to find Emilio, often half-undressed, working on the remodel. They’d chat for a couple of minutes, after which Emilio would keep working while Spencer made dinner. The scent of food tended to make Emilio stop whatever he was doing and hit the shower, often dragging Spencer with him. After getting clean, they’d eat, snuggle on the couch as planned—with Emilio watching television and Spencer reading—and then go to bed. Sleep came an hour or so after that, with Emilio playing Spencer’s body like a fiddle in the interim.

On Friday evening, Spencer pulled into his driveway and practically dashed out of the car, excited to see the progress Emilio had made on the house that day and even more excited to see Emilio.

“Emilio?” Spencer called out when he walked in the door.

When he didn’t hear a response, he started searching the house. He had checked the living room and kitchen and was walking down the hallway to the bathroom when he heard a rustling sound. It took him a few seconds to place that it was coming from overhead and a few more to realize that meant Emilio was in the attic. With a smile, he set his briefcase down in the office-slash-guest room and then strolled over to the bedroom he now shared with Emilio.

Just thinking about Emilio made him happy. Walking in and seeing Emilio’s boots in the corner, his wallet and cell phone on the dresser, and one of his many orange work shirts peeking out of the hamper, had Spencer practically glowing. All the great sex didn’t hurt in the glowy-happiness department either. Never had Spencer experienced so many orgasms in such a short period of time. And these weren’t solo jobs, either. Nope, every ounce of pleasure was wrung from him by a beautiful, kind, sexy-as-sin man. And though he still worried his body would stop cooperating, up to that point, all systems had been raring to go.

“Spencer? Spence, you home?” Emilio’s deep voice boomed out along with heavy footsteps.

“In here,” Spencer responded.

“Hey.” Emilio smiled broadly as he walked into the bedroom. “How was your day?”

He kissed Spencer’s cheek, and Spencer was struck by the normalness of it all, the feeling of simple domesticity in a situation that was in no way normal or simple. Nobody set up house after knowing someone for a day. It was impetuous and crazy and—

“It’s right for us. What anybody else does don’t matter,” Emilio said, making Spencer realize he had been thinking out loud. Then Emilio chewed on his bottom lip and furrowed his brow. “It is right for us, right? I mean, I know I like being with you and staying here, but if you don’t—”

His need to assure Emilio that his feelings were returned outweighed whatever concerns Spencer had about how fast they were moving, so he quickly said, “I like it too.”