Relief washed over Emilio’s face. “Yeah?” He gathered Spencer in his arms and gazed down at him. “Good.”

Spencer linked his fingers behind Emilio’s neck and tugged him down for a kiss. It was getting easier, more comfortable to ask for Emilio’s touch. “How was your day?” he asked.

After taking another kiss and nibbling on Spencer’s lower lip, Emilio said, “It was good. The monsoon rained us out of the courthouse job in Henderson, so I was able to spend a lot of time here. I finished running all the wires and dropping them to the outlets and light switches.”

“That’s great. Are you all done for the day?”

“Almost. I need another thirty minutes.” He dropped his hand down the back of Spencer’s pants and massaged his ass as he unfastened the top few buttons of Spencer’s short-sleeved button-down shirt and pushed it to the side, making room for his mouth to work up yet another mark.

One of Emilio’s favorite activities in bed was using his mouth on every part of Spencer’s skin, often making deep, dark hickeys. Thankfully, Emilio was always careful to leave the evidence in areas that would be covered by Spencer’s shirts. Given how much he enjoyed the strong suction of Emilio’s mouth and the visual proof of the man’s dominion over his body, Spencer doubted he would have the mental power to stop Emilio when they were in the heat of the moment.

As Emilio nuzzled his shoulder, he moved his long fingers into Spencer’s crease and skimmed them over his pucker. Spencer bucked and moaned.

“Ah, damn, cariño,” Emilio whispered huskily. “Want you so bad.”

Spencer knew exactly what Emilio wanted; his man wasn’t subtle. Over the past few days, whenever they had fooled around, Emilio had played with Spencer’s ass. As much as Spencer wanted to feel the thick, hot shaft insistently pressing against his hip slide into his body, whenever they got close to penetration, Spencer started feeling panicked, which made his dick lose interest. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint Emilio by being unable to perform, so he diverted the encounters, often by sucking Emilio’s dick down his throat.

Kissing and touching Emilio was heaven, and Spencer was lost in that pleasure when he made contact with the bedroom wall. “Wha…?” he asked in daze. They had been standing in the middle of the room and Spencer hadn’t realized Emilio was moving them. He was looking at the wall behind him, his body twisted, when Emilio turned him the rest of the way around and ground his dick against Spencer’s ass.

Reacting on instinct, Spencer’s entire body stiffened. He reminded himself that he was with Emilio and that he wanted exactly what he was being offered. But his tense body was ignoring the pep talk.

“I better go clean up out there before I forget,” Emilio said. He kissed Spencer’s neck and stepped back. Whether he had noticed Spencer’s panic or whether he hadn’t intended to take things further at that moment, Spencer didn’t know. “You got anything planned for us tonight?” Emilio asked. “’Cause if you don’t, I thought we could go out.”

“What do you mean?” Spencer was more than a little nervous at the prospect of spending the evening in a crowded bar filled with drunk men. “Like, out to the clubs, out?”

“Clubs? Nah. I only go clubbing when I’m looking to pick someone up, and I’m done with that now. I was thinking we could go out to dinner with my sister and her husband. They have a sitter tonight. You’ll love Alicia. And her husband, Jim, is a really good guy.”

“Oh.” Spencer sighed in relief. Dinner at a restaurant with another couple he could do. “That sounds good.”

“Cool.” Emilio kissed his temple and reached for his phone as he walked out of the room. “I’ll let Alicia know we can join them. She’s been bugging me about meeting you all week, so she’ll be psyched.”

It was only after Emilio left the room that realization sank into Spencer. He was going to meet Emilio’s family. Well, not the whole family. But still, he was going to meet Emilio’s older sister and his brother-in-law, which counted as meeting the family. He had already met Raul, Emilio’s brother, who had been a handful but seemed like a good guy. He had shown no indication of disapproval toward Spencer, but one person wasn’t always a good indicator of the entire family.

What if Alicia had an issue with Emilio being gay but hadn’t said anything because he hadn’t ever brought a boyfriend home? Even if that wasn’t a concern, what would she think about their age gap? Would she worry that he was corrupting Emilio? Where did the brother-in-law stand on all this?

Just when Spencer was about to work himself into a full-scale panic, his phone rang. Grateful for the distraction, he answered it without looking at the incoming number.