“Please what, Bella? What do you want?”

I lower my head, looking at him between my legs, “I want you inside me,” I urge with fire in my voice.

When Logan stands, my mouth waters at the sight of his cock.

Climbing over me, he takes my legs and urges me to wrap them around his waist.

Leaning down Logan takes my mouth. I open to him, allowing his tongue entrance at the same time his cock fills me.

As he lazily moves in and out of me, placing soft unhurried kisses along my neck, and down over my collarbone I start to realize, the sex this time is different.

This time Logan is delivering on his promise. He’s making love to me and showing me how beautiful I am, that he loves me—ALL of me.



Things have been fuckin’ great since Bella and I had our little ‘come to Jesus moment’ a few weeks ago. Now we’re facing everything head-on together. I can’t begin to explain what it was like finally getting to touch her, kiss her, taste her after so long. I’m fuckin’ addicted to Bella Jameson. She owns my heart, holds it right in the palm of her little hand.

It’s already July. Bella’s sister graduated a couple weeks ago, but wanted to wait on celebrating until it was closer to her birthday, which is today. So, we are having Alba’s birthday and graduation party at the clubhouse this afternoon. Everyone’s involved with making sure it’s a big blowout. The smell of food grilling is floating on the breeze as I help set up the tables and chair out back. Bella and the other women are inside preparing the rest of the food.

My brother Nikolai is manning one of the grills alongside Reid and Quinn. He’s been hanging around the clubhouse more than he has his own place since our father went back home to take care some business. I thought it would be harder than it was to talk him into letting my brother stay behind, but surprisingly he felt it could do him some good.

The brothers seem to have adopted him. Jake even gave him a room of his own to crash in here at the clubhouse. He seems to be enjoying his freedom and a new-found sense of family.

I watch as Bella comes walking out the sliding glass doors, carrying a large bowl of food, followed by a couple of the other brother

’s current women. One by one they place the stuff down on the tables, along with all the paper plates and plastic ware.

She’s nothin’ but smiles today, as I stand here and take her in.

“Man, you’ve got it bad,” Quinn laughs, as he comes to stand beside me, looking in the current direction my attention is fixated on.

“Yeah, brother, I do.”

Bella turns to see me watching her, her eyes telling me that my heated stare is having its intended effect, and begins to walk my way. She’s wearing a white sun dress today with her favorite pair of boots and has left her hair down. The sun reflecting off her beautiful face is making the gold speckles in her hazel eyes flicker, hypnotizing me, making me fuckin’ speechless as she comes to a stop in front of me.

“Brother, you’re droolin’,” Quinn says loud enough, making a few others standing around turn and take notice, laughing themselves at his outburst. Bella throws her head back, laughing along with them. Damn it’s good to hear her laugh again.

“Fuck off, Quinn,” I say as I take hold of my woman.

I watch him walk off, satisfied with himself.

Looking down, I speak to Bella. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey,” she beams up at me.

“Looks like everything is about ready to kick off. Where’s the birthday girl?” I ask her.

“She’s up in her old room getting ready with Sofia. Has someone gone to get her present yet?”

“Yeah, babe. Gabriel should be here any minute with it. I figured we give it to her first thing. There’s no way we’re gonna be able to hide it.” I inform her.

“I’m so excited! She’s going to love it.” She reaches up, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. “I’m going back inside to help her get ready. I’ll bring her out when Gabriel gets here.”

“Okay, babe.”

I release my hold on her and watch her ass sway as she makes her way inside. Jake walks up to me and slaps me on the back, handing me a cold beer.