Once I retrieve my clothes, I try stepping around him to get back to the bathroom, only to have him block my path. “Logan. Let me get dressed, then we can talk.”

“No,” he says flatly.

“What do you mean, no? I’m not having a conversation with you in my towel.”

Shit. I know where he’s going with this and I’m not sure I’m ready for it. I KNOW I’m not ready for it. My whole body gets warm and I start to get the inside jitters. My hands are clammy, my breaths are quickening, and my pulse is racing. I am working up to a full-blown panic attack. I have avoided this very moment for months now, and he has let me.

“If you need to get dressed, you can do so in front of me, Bella. No more hiding.”

My stomach drops. He can’t be serious. I was prepared for talking. Not this.

“I’m not ready,” I say gripping the towel tighter around me.

“Yes, you are. You’re strong, baby. You just don’t know it.”

“Don’t tell me what I am. Stop trying to force me into doing something I don’t want!” I yell.

At this point I’m so worked up-so angry, my body is vibrating.

Logan is standing five feet in front of me, nose flaring, and a look of fury on his face. “I was there. I saw what that motherfucker did to you. I carried your bloodied, almost lifeless body in my arms, Bella!” he yells back, pacing the floor, pulling at his hair.

“Is this what you wanted to see?” I cry at him, dropping my towel to the floor, keeping my arms at my sides resisting the urge to cover myself. I’m facing my fears head on while battling the voices in my head to do the complete opposite—to run and hide.

“Tell me, Logan! You come in here making demands, like you have the right. Newsflash, this,” I say, pointing at my scars, “didn’t happen to you! It happened to me! I’m the one who was kidnapped! I’m the one who had that filthy motherfucker’s hands all over my body! I was the one who was screaming in pain while being sliced open!” I yell with tears rolling down my face.

“And it’s my fucking fault!” Logan bellows, cutting me off, pacing back and forth and running his hands through his hair.

“What?” I ask stunned, losing some of my anger. He’s mad because he thinks he didn’t protect me. I was expecting pity or a look of disgust. Instead, Logan is looking at me like he could care less about my scars.

He looks defeated, tired.

“It’s my job to protect you. If I had protected you better none of this would have happened.”

This whole time I’ve been so focused on my demons, I didn’t stop to think about how this whole fucked up situation affected him. He’s been battling demons of his own and I was too selfish to see it.

“It’s not your fault this happened to me. It’s because of you I’m alive.” I challenge.

In three strides, Logan is in front of me gripping my face in his hands. “It is my fault, Bella, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Starting right now. Starting by telling you how beautiful you are. I never want to hear you call yourself disgusting again.” he grinds out, “you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Your scars are a part of you and I love everything about you.”

Picking me up, Logan holds me as if I’m the most precious thing in the world. Carrying me across the room, he gently lies me down on the bed. “I’m going to show you just how beautiful you are,” Logan says, his tone a promise.

Starting at my feet he slowly kisses his way up, until he reaches the inside of my thigh. He places a gentle kiss on the first scar. The smallest one, but that’s the cut that nearly cost me my life. Next, he trails his rough calloused hands along the jagged scarring on my ribs. I feel another array of soft kisses, this time along the edge of my breast. I have no doubt he doesn’t miss the tremble in my skin, as I try with everything I am to suppress a sob. I feel the heat of his body hovering above me, but refuse to open my eyes. I’m scared of what I might see now that he’s seen me, touched me.

“Open your gorgeous eye for me, Angel.”

Fisting the sheets in my hands, I shake my head refusing.

“Yes,” he whispers softly, his mouth against my ear.

Opening my eyes, I’m not prepared for what I see—no, what I feel. Love, and I can’t hold back any longer. The pain I’ve been holding onto for so long is released through tears that are streaming down my face.

“Beautiful.” Logan softly repeats over and over while he continues to kiss and caress every inch of my body. It doesn’t take long for my sobs to turn into pants when he runs his tongue over my nipple, causing me to gasp. It’s been forever since I’ve felt Logan’s touch and I’m desperate for it. Rising off the bed I watch him rid himself of his clothes. “I need to taste you.”

Kneeling before me, he grabs my legs, pulling me to the edge of the bed. Spreading my legs, Logan peers at me. His eyes dark with desire before lowering his head. I moan loudly at the feel of his hot, wet mouth on my pussy. It feels so good I nearly come right then.

“Not yet, Bella. When you come, it’s going to be with me inside you.”

“Logan, please,” I beg.