My father’s men are already set up at the house awaiting my instructions. Once we’re all in position, I give the signal. Using my foot, I kick the front door in. My first shot is fired at the man sitting on the couch. I get a sick sense of satisfaction at seeing his brains paint the wall behind him. Gabriel fires the second shot from behind me at a guy rounding the corner of the hallway. I walk into the kitchen as Gabriel heads down the hall towards a bedroom. I see the back door is wide open and two bodies are lying on the ground next to Quinn and Reid.

“All clear out here, brother,” Quinn tells me. I give him a chin lift and walk back through the kitchen and into the living room in search of Gabriel. Walking down the hall to the bedroom, I find him scooping a crying Alba up off the floor of an empty room. The only thing in here are pieces of rope which I’m assuming was used to tie her up. Gabriel strides past me whispering words I can’t make out to Alba as she holds onto him like he’s her lifeline.

The drive back to our bikes is quiet. This is a small victory for us, but the battle is far from over. Bella’s still out there, we won’t rest till we bring her home. Gabriel refused to leave Alba. He’s having Reid ride his bike back to Polson. My father’s men said they would stay behind and take care of

the mess. I’m mounting my bike when I hear an explosion, and see an orange glow and smoke in my side mirror.

Back at the clubhouse, Gabriel takes Alba straight to his room with Bennett and Lisa in tow. I’m desperate for any information she may have, but I know she needs to be checked out by Doc first. Giving them privacy for a few minutes, I head to Jake’s office to see if we have any new leads. He’s sitting behind his desk nursing a tumbler of whiskey when I walk in. “Anything new?” I ask. Letting out a sigh.

“No, son, nothing new.”

“Bennett’s in with Alba now, maybe she knows something,” I tell him. We’re interrupted when Lisa knocks on the door. “I wanted to let you know Bennett’s done with Alba if you wanted to come speak with her.” Not wasting any time, I leave Jakes office, heading to Gabriel’s room. Bennett is stepping out into the hall as I approach the door.

“How is she doc?” I ask.

“Physically she’s good. Whatever drugs they gave her to knock her out have worn off. There are no signs of abuse, but mentally she’s a mess. She’s asking about Bella. Gabriel told her the club has men out looking. She also said she doesn’t remember anything, the last thing she remembers is the party, and some men throwing her into the van, and then waking up in an empty room. I’m sorry Logan, I don’t think she’s going to be able to tell us anything that will help us find Bella.”

“Alright, thanks brother. I’m going to go in to see her.”

“Good luck with her guard dog in there,” Bennett mutters as he walks away.

Stepping into Gabriel’s room, I find him sitting in a chair by the bed watching Alba. “Doc gave her something to help her sleep.”

“Yeah, I just talked to him, he said she was going to be fine. I wanted to come check on her myself is all. I’m going to go see Demetri, see if he’s gotten any new leads on Bella.” Before walking out of his room, I stop and turn to Gabriel, “Thanks for having my back today, brother.”

“Anytime, Logan.”

Five long fucking days.

That’s how many days Bella’s been gone. After tearing the state of Montana apart, we’re no closer to finding her. I’m walking back into the clubhouse after returning from yet another useless trip to Dixon when my phone rings.

“What,” I snap.

“Hello, is this Logan?” A shaky female voice asks causing me to stop in my tracks.

“Who the hell is this?” The bite in my tone has several of my brothers looking in my direction on high alert. “My name is Sofia, I got your number from Bella,” she speaks so softly I can hardly hear.

“Can you tell me where she is Sofia?” I listen intently as she does her best to give me her location. She doesn’t know an exact address but is able to tell me the name of the town and a description of the house. Several minutes into the call I hear a man’s voice in the background.

“What the fuck you doin’ you little puta, bitch?” I hear the girl scream before the line goes dead.



Several days have passed, or so I think. I have no way of judging the time except for the rise and fall of the sun.

Sofia said she was going to sneak the phone tonight and call Logan. I can only hope she can do all this without getting herself hurt. I hate to think of my sister, alone and just as scared as I am. We’ve always had each other to get through a terrifying situation in the past. We’ve both made it this far in life, I’m not about to give up now. I know Logan, and the others will find us.

I tried hard to keep my eyes open and not to fall asleep while waiting for Sofia to hopefully return, but exhaustion won that battle. I jolt, hearing a commotion outside the bedroom door. The door flies open, and a gasp escapes my lips when Jorge strides in, his eyes trained on me.

“So,” he draws out, “it seems my little bird was planning to fly away?” He walks over to the edge of the bed.

Malice drips from his voice with his next words, “First, I hear that your buyer has backed out of the deal, seems he found out you’re not so pure after all.” He runs a cold clammy hand over my breast before squeezing, then rips my shirt open. “Then, you conspire with our little whore to help you escape.”

My heart sinks. They must have caught Sofia. My only hope in someone finding me, gone. I clench my eyes shut, turning my head away. The fear of him doing more making my skin crawl, causing me to visibly tremble.

“We caught the whore talking to someone on the phone. Heard her say the name Logan,” he sneers, not once taking his cold, dead eyes off of me as he peers down.