“I’m going, and I want Gabriel with me,” I swiftly announce.

Jake is about to speak up when my phone rings. Pulling it from my cut, the wind is knocked from my body when ‘Angel’ flashes on the screen.

“Bella!” I holler into my phone. The room goes deathly silent, apart from Reid frantically typing away on his computer, and I know he’s begun tracking her phone. I put her on speaker, and she quickly starts giving me any information she can. She’s doing her best to describe where she is.

“That’s good, Angel, you’re doing really good. I’m having Reid track your phone right now. Hold on for me baby, I’m coming for you guys. I promise.”

She goes on telling me Alba is not with her. She pleads for us to find her sister. Her sobs filling the room are making me feel helpless. And the next moment is what has me losing my shit.

“Logan, someone’s coming. Oh god, what do I do?” She whispers. “Please, Logan, tell me what to do.”

“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” I chant.

“I’m coming for you Bella, I promise.” I holler out before the connection is lost.

“GODDAMMIT! SON OF A BITCH!” I roar picking up the chair next to me and hurling it across the room, causing it to shatter into pieces as it hits the wall, barely missing Quinn’s head. He’s smart enough not to say a word. The room goes quiet once again.

“Got her location.” Reid says breaking the silence.

“Where?” I bark out.

“I tracked her cell to a house in Ronan, about twenty minutes out. If we haul ass we can make it in fifteen.” Reid doesn’t even finish his sentence before I’m out the door with Gabriel at my side and the rest of my brothers trailing behind.

We make it to the house in Ronan only to find it empty. Bella getting caught with her phone had the fuckers fleeing. They knew we would be here in no time. I make my way down to the basement where I know she was kept. I see her busted cell phone on the floor. I walk back outside to find my brothers’ defeated looks mirroring my own.

“I’m heading to Dixon to follow up on the lead we have on Lee. It’s the only thing we have to go on at this point.” I say as I mount my bike.

“I’m with Logan,” Gabriel grovels, throwing down his cigarette. We tear out of there, not bothering to wait for anyone’s response. At this point, all I care about is finding my woman. I can’t lose another person I love.

Gabriel and I park our bikes at a gas station next door to the motel where Reid said Cassie is, and sure enough I see her car parked out front. My father’s guy said Lee was spotted with some chick in a red Camaro. I should have known that cunt was going to try something to get back at Bella. What better way than to hook up with Lee, helping him seal the deal with Los Demonios.

I wait outside the office while Gabriel, in a not so friendly way, asks the greasy lookin’ fucker behind the counter for a card to Cassie’s room. We walk up the stairs towards room 128. I stop and listen for a second, all is quiet. Giving Gabriel the signal he inserts the key into the door. Opening it, we both have our guns drawn. We immediately spot the low life himself asleep in the bed. Gabriel slams the door behind us. When Lee opens his eyes, he’s met with the barrel of my gun. He looks scared as fuck but tries to mask it when he asks.

“What the hell do you want?”

I cock my gun, “I’m askin’ the fuckin’ questions around here,” I inform him. I watch him visibly swallow and beads of sweat drip down his face. Lee’s eyes cut over to the bathroom door when it opens. Cassie walks out with a towel wrapped around her, letting out a shriek when she notices the scene in front of her. “Get your ass over here you stupid fuckin’ cunt and sit next to your boyfriend here.”

“Logan, it’s not what you think baby, I can explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain, I know what the fuck is goin’ on. The only time either one of you is allowed to speak is to answer my questions.” I advise them. “First, I want to know where Bella and her sister are.”

Lee is the first to speak. “I don’t know about Bella but Alba is being held at a place over in Somers, some suit is paying big bucks for the little shit, that’s all I know.”

At Lee’s confession, Gabriel lets out a growl from behind me. “What about Los Demonios, where are they at?”

“Hell if I know. I went to their clubhouse the other day, but everyone was gone. The only reason I know about Alba is because I overheard one of those Mexicans talking on the phone with someone.”

Turning to Cassie I ask, “What part did you play in all this?”

She looks over to Lee, silently asking for help. The coward shakes his head and looks away. Knowing that there is no way out of this shitstorm, she caves. “I’ve been keeping tabs on the club through Liz. She told me about the party the club was having and I gave that information to him,” Cassie says pointing at Lee. “That bitch took you from me, Logan. If it wasn’t for her you would be mine.”

This chick is fuckin’ delusional. “Cassie, I was never going to be yours. A whore like you has nothing on a woman like Bella.” With those parting words I pull the trigger, her limp body falls on the bed next to Lee whose face has turned deathly pale. I turn my gun to the cocksucker himself that started all this shit with Los Demonios.

“What the hell are you doing? I told you what you wanted to know.” Lee turns his wide eyes towards Gabriel. “Please don’t let him kill me!”

With his black, unblinking eyes, Gabriel says, “Decirle al diablo que dije hola, Tell the devil I said hello,” and I pull the trigger.

We leave the motel not giving two fucks about the mess we’re leaving behind. We’ll have some brothers come out and take care of it. Gabriel already contacted Prez telling him what we found out about Alba, so he’s sending Quinn and Reid to meet us in Somers. We didn’t have an exact address for Alba’s location, but tracking a few of Los Demonios members down wasn’t hard. One of my father’s men went and scoped out the small town. It didn’t take long before a few of those assholes were spotted at a bar. They lead Volkov’s men straight to a house we’re hoping Alba is being held. We parked our bikes a few blocks away, don’t want to take a chance of anyone hearing us. Quinn drove the van here, so me, Gabriel, and Reid are riding with him over to the house.