“Don’t look at me like that, woman. I know Logan, so make sure you text him. Got it?”

“It’s not like that Quinn. Logan is just being a good guy.”

He closes the car door once I’m inside, then bends down and looks at me.

“He knows what’s right in front of him, Bella.”

If only that were true.

Quinn walks away and mounts his bike, waiting for me to pull out ahead of him. Once we’re down the street I turn left as he turns right.

I’ve made it to the bakery downtown just a few blocks from the garage and pull into an empty parking place in front of the store. When I get out, I notice the glow of the end of a cigarette from across the street. When I look closer I see a man leaning up against the building, but since the sun has set it’s too dark to make out any of his features.

Okay, I’m officially creeped out

a little.

I chalk it up to paranoia and walk into the bakery. The door chimes as I enter and I’m hit with a sugary, sweet vanilla aroma.

A redhead comes walking up from the back, wearing a smile.

“Hi. I’m about to close for the night. What can I get for you?”

“Hey,” I wave, “I’m Bella. I work for Jake over at Kings Custom Bikes. He asked me to drop off these papers with the price quotes. He had some club business to take care of, so he left early today and couldn’t make it.”

I reach into my purse and hand her the folder.

“Oh...Okay,” she says, looking a little disappointed. “Thank you, Bella. I’m Grace.” She extends her hand, introducing herself. “I appreciate you coming over after work to bring these by.”

Walking around the counter she sets the papers down.

“Would you like anything before you go?” she inquires.

“Actually, I would love one of those cinnamon rolls.”

Smiling, Grace grabs a pink box from a shelf behind her. “These are one of my bestsellers. I tell you what, I’m going give you two for one, as a thank you!”

“That would be awesome,” I say returning a smile of my own.

She rings up my purchase and I wave goodbye, heading out the door to my car.

I glance around, looking for the guy I saw just moments ago when I arrived. I don’t see anyone, so I climb into my car and buckle up.

Just before backing out into the main road, I reach into the box, tearing off a piece of cinnamon roll, popping it into my mouth.

As I’m pulling out, some asshole comes up behind me with his high beams on. I move over into the other lane to let him pass, but all he does is move in behind me.

“This guy is being a dick.”

My turn off to head home is up ahead, so I wait it out. I stop at the intersection and make another right, but whoever it is continues to follow me.

I’m starting to panic a little and instinctively grab my phone to call Logan. Shit, my phone is dead.

Okay, think!

I decide to make a left and head to where I know the MC’s clubhouse is located. At this point, all I can think of is one of Lee’s scummy friends is messing with me. If I head toward the clubhouse, whoever it is will change their mind once they see where I’m heading.

It’s only about a twenty-minute drive and the car is still tailing me. I’ve never been out to the compound before, but most people who live in the area know of it. As I’m making my turn onto the club’s private road, the car starts to back off and makes a U-turn.