I keep on going in the direction I’m heading, hoping that I took the right road. Soon enough, I start to see some lights. As I get closer, I can see someone standing at a gate. Pulling up I notice it’s Austin. The prospect that helps at the shop from time to time.

“Bella? What the hell are you doing way out here?”

“I need to see Jake.”

He eyes me a moment. “He’s here, but I have to announce you before you can go in. You sure you’re okay? You look scared shitless.”

“I’m not the best right now, Austin.”

He nods his head and pulls out a phone.

Thank God Alba is hanging out at her friend’s house for the night. She would be freaking out by now since I haven’t made it home yet.

Austin leans down, which startles me.

“Shit. Sorry, Bella. Listen, I can’t get in touch with anyone, but go on in. One of the guys can get Jake for you.”

I don’t question if he will get in trouble for letting me in without permission, I just drive on through the gate and park my car under a tree near the end of a row of bikes parked out front. I sit for a moment to try and calm my nerves before getting out of my car.

The music is loud. I can hear laughing and cutting up from inside. I walk towards the only door I see. Sitting there is a big, heavier set guy I’ve never seen before. He’s leaned back in a chair, smoking a cigarette. He’s wearing the same cut as everyone else in the club.

As I’m approaching, he looks up and lets his eyes travel over me.

“You look a bit young to be out here to party, girl.”

“I’m old enough,” I sass.

He grunts at my response.

What the hell is it with men and grunting?

“So? You going to let me in?” I put my hand on my hip and cock my head.

“Get on in there, girl,” he gruffs out, a cloud of cigarette smoke billows around his face.

Walking through the door, I’m instantly hit with the thick smell of cigarette smoke mixed with a hint of marijuana. The music is so loud you can’t even hear your own thoughts. I’m scanning the place, trying to spot anyone I’ve met before when a biker walks up to me.

“What’s your name, sweet thing?”

I look up at him. “I’m looking for Jake or Logan.”

The burly man runs his hand through his beard. “Well, hell. Prez is probably in his office,” he points over towards a door that’s at the far end of the room.

Looking in that direction I notice Gabriel’s huge frame over everyone else’s, sitting at the bar and then my eyes slide to Logan, who’s sitting next to him. Beside him is a tall blonde, who happens to be rubbing her tits all over him and talking into his ear.

I’m instantly filled with jealousy. He isn’t even yours, Bella. You just want him to be.

I feel gutted. Like someone punched me in the stomach.

Gabriel looks up and notices me standing there. I watch as he nudges Logan, giving him a chin lift in my direction.

Logan turns, making eye contact with me.

First, I see surprise in his expression, then it quickly turns to concern. He jumps up from his stool, marching over in my direction. Darting my eyes around the smoke-filled room, I notice people staring and it makes me feel uneasy.

Logan’s eyes are trained on me.

“What the fuck, Bella! Why are you here? And why in the hell haven’t you returned my calls?” he barks.