That causes me to giggle, and Logan reluctantly releases his hold on me. “It’s okay, Quinn.”

“Fuck no it’s not,” Logan growls.

Quinn, of course, ignores Logan and sits down with us, giving me a wink.

7:00 pm rolls around so Logan and I are closing the garage down for the day since Quinn and Jake left about an hour ago. After filing the invoices for the day all that’s left to do is to take the garbage out.

Walking out from behind the reception counter with my small bag of trash, I see Logan closing the bay doors.

“Hey, I’m taking the garbage out.” I yell over my shoulder.

“Give me a minute and I’ll do it.”

“I got it.”

“Babe, I said I’d get it. Just as soon as I get this broke ass door closed,” he grunts as he manually starts to pull down the second bay door.

“I’m capable of toting this small bag of trash by myself. I don’t need your burliness to carry it for me,” I sass, while admiring his backside and the way his muscle flex as he pulls on the garage door down.

“Woman...” I hear his fading voice say as I continue to finish the task at hand.

After grabbing the trash from the break room as well, I head to the back door. Opening it, I walk over to the garbage bin and toss both bags inside. As I turn to make my way back, I’m slammed up against the wall of the garage with so much force my breath gets knocked from my body.

Before I can get my bearings back, a hand covers my mouth, keeping me from making a sound.

“Did you think sicking your biker-boyfriend on me was going to scare me away, you little bitch?” Mason sneers only an inch from my face.

I start struggling to get out of his hold, but it’s no use, so I do the only thing I can think of. I bite down as hard as I can on the hand that’s covering my mouth, drawing blood.

“You fucking bitch!” he roars, right before back handing me across my face, knocking me to the ground. A second later he’s on top of me and his hands are everywhere.

I refuse to let this asshole do this to me, so I start fighting back with everything I have.

“Stop fucking fighting me, you stupid cunt!” Mason says right before I see him rear back. This time with a closed fist.

I close my eyes and brace myself for the punch, but it never comes.



“What the hell is taking that woman so long?” Checking my watch–it’s been at least 5 minutes since I watched her walk towards the back door. I’m making my way to the back of the garage to check on her when I hear her scream through the door, “Get off me!”

What the fuck? My stomach clenches at the sound of her distress.

I start running towards the back door that leads to the alleyway. That’s when I see Bella struggling with someone that has her pinned on the ground. His hand rears back and he’s about to punch her when I grab the fucker and pull him away from her, then slam him against the wall and watch his body crumple to the ground. Reaching down I grab a handful of his hair, pulling his sorry ass up. I press him against the dumpster only to bury my fist into his face repeatedly until he can no longer stand on his own. My knuckles cut from connecting with his teeth.

Letting him go, I walk over and kneel to help Bella to her feet

. “Babe, you okay?” I ask as I’m looking her over. Her shirt is torn and hanging from her shoulder. When I make it to her face, I’m met with an angry looking welt on her cheek, combined with tears running down her face.

I’ll be damned if a man lays a hand on her while I’m breathing. Fueled by rage, I walk over to the little punk that’s trying to get back up and give him a boot to the side of his bleeding head.

“I’m going to assume you’re Mason. The little cocksucker who’s been harassing Bella.”

I stand him up and punch him in the ribs causing him to groan in pain.

“Man, she’s a fuckin’ tease,” he coughs out.