bsp; “Dead. Died when I was six.”

“Good,” he says, before returning to his chair.

I jump, when Quinn’s voice startles me from behind. “What’s for lunch? Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay,” I chuckle. “I made meatball subs.”

Wrapping up a couple and placing them in a sack, I hand them to Quinn. “You mind taking these across the street to Gabriel for me?”

“You got it, darlin’.”

Hearing my phone ring, I pull it from my back pocket. I see it’s Mason calling…again. Sighing, I shake my head. This shit’s getting ridiculous. You would think that months of not returning his texts or answering his calls that he would take a hint. He has been getting more persistent lately. It’s like the more I ignore him, the harder he tries. He went from a text or call here and there to several a day. It was his last voicemail that had me a little concerned. He was calling me a tease and demanding I pick up the phone. Just thinking about our last date sends chills down my spine.

“Everything okay, Bella?” Logan asks.

“Of course,” I say, setting my phone on the table then bringing our plates over before sitting down. I’m about to take a bite of my food when my phone chimes again. This time with a text. After setting my sandwich down on my plate I go to grab my phone, but Logan beats me to it.

“What the hell, Logan? Give me my phone.”

“What the fuck?” he hisses, totally ignoring me, “Who the fuck is Mason, and why in the hell is he demanding you call him back?”

“It’s not really any of your business. Now give me my phone back.”

His face reddens, nostrils flare, and his hand grips my phone so hard I’m afraid he’s going to crush it.

“When I see some motherfucker, with a pissant name like Mason, calling and texting your phone, it is my business, babe.”

“Um...I’m pretty sure it’s not.” I snap back.

My phone chimes again, and from the murderous look on Logan’s face, it’s not good. Logan swipes his finger across the screen.

“Shit. Logan, please don’t do that. Just leave it alone.”

“Fuck no, Bella. I’m not ignoring this shit.”

“Is this Mason? No motherfucker, you can’t talk to Bella. If you call her phone one more goddamn time I will personally come beat your fuckin’ ass,” he says, then hangs up. “I’m only going to ask you one more time, Bella. Who the fuck is Mason?”

What the hell has gotten into Logan? Since when has my personal life become his concern?

Giving up on trying to get my phone back, I slump down in my chair and let out a heavy sigh.

“He’s a guy I went to school with. A few months ago, I saw him at the coffee shop in town and he asked me out. I thought what the hell and agreed.”

I look up and see Logan clenching his teeth. “We only went out a few times. I remember him being a decent guy in school. On our first couple of dates he was nice and respectful, but it was on our third when he changed.”

“Changed how?”

“Well, we went to dinner and then he was going to take me to a concert. He said a local band was playing at a bar in town, but he’d left the tickets at home. I didn’t think anything of it at first. We drove to his house, and he invited me to come in for a minute so I wasn’t waiting in the car. Once we were inside his house, it was like a switch flipped. Suddenly, he was all over me. Mason was telling me it was time to give it up and quit being a tease. I was so scared. I didn’t know what to do. He was strong and so much bigger than me. Somehow, I managed to knee him in his balls and when he went down I ran out of the house. I kept running until I reached a gas station down the street. I called a cab to take me home. A few days later is when the calls and texts started, and he’s been doing this for a couple of months.” I tell him.

“I’m not a tease, Logan,” I say looking up at him, “I didn’t do anything to lead him on.”

“It’s not your fault,” he says, pulling me into him and holding me.

I lay my head on his chest breathing in his scent, and it instantly calms me. A few minutes later I lift my head and look up at him. Logan brings his hand up, cupping both sides of my face. He brings his face down closer to mine and our eyes locked on one another. My breath hitches, and my lips part. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. This is it. Logan is finally going to kiss me.

“You guys better have saved me some lunch,” Quinn’s loud voice echoes as he comes walking into the room, breaking the connection.

Seeing that he has just interrupted us, Quinn stops in his tracks. “Aww fuck, I sure got shitty timing. Well, don’t let me stop you guys. Please continue.”