“We wait for now,” Jake says. “If we go in hot, letting our anger cloud our judgment, things will get sloppy. So, we play this smart. Let them think they’re getting away with fucking us over. In the meantime, we contact the Russians. Let them in on what’s going down. I have a feeling they’re not going to take to kindly to Los Demonios fuckin’ with their business. I know you don’t like waiting, letting them pussies think they’ve won, but it is what’s best. Are we all in agreement?” Jake asks.

With collective ‘ayes’ from all the brothers, Prez slams the gavel. “It’s decided. We wait.”

Walking out of church, I stride up next to Quinn and slap him on the back.

“Come on man. Let’s go grab a beer.”

Some heavy shit went down today and my brother is feeling the weight of it. Even though he fucked up, he needs to understand that what happened out there could have happened to any one of us. Hell, we all fuck up from time-to-time but at the end of the day, you suck it up and roll with it.

“Not tonight, brother. I’m going to go for a ride. Clear my head.”

“Alright. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”

As he’s walking away I call out to him. “Hey, Quinn.”

Turning, he looks back at me.

“You know you can call me if there’s anything you need, man?”

“Yeah, brother. Thanks.”

I take a seat at the bar next to Reid, “Quinn doing okay?” He asks.

“Yeah, just going to sort his shit out.”

Quinn is known for cuttin’ up, crackin’ jokes, and always fuckin’ with one of us. Behind that humor is a man that is very passionate about his club. Seeing him so torn up about today doesn’t surprise me. I know he’ll be okay once he clears his head.

Needing a shot of whiskey, I turn my attention to who’s behind the bar and see our prospect, Blake.

“What can I get you, Logan?”

“Give me two shots of whiskey and a beer, man.”

Several shots and too many beers later, I decide to crash in my room. Too fucking tired and drunk to bother with a shower.

I strip off my clothes, put my piece on the nightstand and climb into bed. Looking at the time, I see it’s a little after one in the morning. I know Bella is asleep by now, but after the day I’ve had I just want to hear her voice.

Grabbing my phone off the table beside my bed, I find her name in my contacts and press the call button. It rings four times before I hear her sleepy voice.


I let out a deep sigh because this is exactly what I needed.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“Logan, is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, babe. I just wanted to hear your sweet voice, and tell you goodnight.”

With a raspy giggle, she says. “If you’d have waited a few hours you could have told me good morning.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I say chuckling.

“I’m going to let you get back to sleep. I’ll see you at work Monday. Goodnight, Angel.”

“Goodnight, Logan.”