
nbsp; Two hours later, we make it to our agreed meeting place. Looking at my phone, I see we are about twenty minutes early.

Climbing off my bike, I decide to have a smoke while we wait.

Feeling irritated, I check the time again. It’s been forty-five minutes, and still, our buyers are a no show.

“I don’t fuckin’ like this. Something’s off.”

“Agreed, man,” adds Reid.

“This shit reeks of Los Demonios.”

Throwing my cigarette down, I grab the burner from my cut. “I’m going to call Prez. See what he wants to do.”

I barely get those words out of my mouth when two trucks come flying up the dirt road. I reach into my cut for my gun.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” A man, with a heavy Spanish accent, says. Taking my hand slowly out of my cut, I turn around to find a man with a gun to Quinn’s head.

“Sorry, boss. Chaparro ‘Shorty’ here, got me while I was taking a piss.”

“Cállate cabrón Shut up asshole,” the man says, then clocks Quinn in the eye with the butt of his gun.

“Son of a bitch! That wasn’t necessary, man.” Quinn tells him while holding the side of his face.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. My men and I are taking those guns. If I see any one of you reaching for your piece, you’ll be going back home with one less gringo.”

I motion for all my men to take it easy. I look specifically at Gabriel and I can see the wild look in his eyes.

I shake my head at him.

Now is not the time for him to lose his shit.

Thirty minutes later, they have our guns loaded into their trucks and it’s taking all I have not to put a bullet in his head, but I won’t risk Quinn’s life.

“You know you won’t get away with this,” I say, gritting my teeth.

“Fuck you puta, bitch,” he laughs. “Looks to me like we are.”

My men and I just watched those sons of bitches take our guns. I’m about to call Jake when Quinn approaches me with anger and regret written all over his face.

“Look, Logan. This is all on me. I fucked up, brother.”

“Damn straight you fucked up. Had you been paying attention that motherfucker wouldn’t have gotten the drop on you.”

Quinn hangs his head at my sharp words but it needs to be said, and he knows it. Sighing I tell him, “Shit, man. Regardless, it happened. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that we’re all going home in one piece.”

Back at the clubhouse, Jake calls emergency church. We need to figure out our next plan of action. Once we all make our way into the room and take our seats, Jake regards Quinn. “You okay, brother?”

He nods his head in response.

“Alright. Once Logan informed me of what happened, I called our buyer. Turns out they got a text telling them the meetup time had changed. That’s why they were a no show.”

“You believe him?” I ask.

“Yeah, I believe him. They’ve been dealing with us a couple of years now without incident, so I don’t see them risking their business to start up any sort a relationship with an unknown MC.”

“So, what do we do?” This coming from Reid.