“Thanks, I need to pee like a racehorse.”

Not that Nico had been listening, but Luke hadn’t been kidding about needing to go. He did his best to ignore Luke standing inches beyond the opaque curtain and worked the shampoo into his hair.

“I wish we had more time. Kent hated shower sex. He refused to even try it.”

Nico’s spirits sank at Kent’s name. Everything still came back to that guy.

“Maybe you’ll need a shower when you get back from work.”

Nico forced a playful lilt to his voice, but it only served to deepen the ache. “Maybe, but I’m helping E unpack today. I might be home late.”

“Oh, right. What time are you going to be back?”

“If it gets late, I’ll probably crash there and be home tomorrow morning.” Nico scrubbed the soap from his hair. That came out harsher than he meant. “We’ll see. Hopefully, I’ll be back tonight.”

“Yeah, hopefully.”

Luke shut the door, and Nico’s heart screamed in pain. He’d needed to do it, but he hated hurting Luke. No matter how close they got, he still clung to Kent. It was too much for Nico to take that risk.

Elisa: At the condo. You still coming to help?

Nico: Of course. Text me the address.

Nico walked up Delancy Place looking for his sister’s building. He still hadn’t gotten over the guilt of leaving after Estelle asked him to stay longer. When he told her he couldn’t, the lengthy pause told him she’d expected he’d stay and didn’t have a backup plan. Her, “That’s okay, hon. You were great to help us as much as you did,” didn’t make it better.

Part of it was his fault; he’d let them take advantage of him. Something Luke reminded him of every time he agreed to an additional shift or stayed late. Shit. Luke.

He’d done so well all morning pushing Luke from his thoughts. Why’d he have to slip right before he got to Elisa’s place?

Counting the numbers, he stopped in front of her building. It was an enormous old rowhome, converted into condos. Elisa and Elliott bought the middle unit.

“Swanky,” he said.

He vaulted up the steps and rang the buzzer.


“Hey, E. It’s me.”

The buzzer let him in, and he took the stairs two at a time.

Elisa opened the door just as he got to the second floor. “This looks nice.”

“It is.” Her excitement matched her smile. “Come in and let me show you around.”

The tour took less than three minutes, but the place had charm. “I like it.”

“We do too.” She led them to a small table and chairs in the kitchen. “Did you ask Luke to the wedding yet?”

This was so wrong. “I thought you wanted me to help you unpack, not to interrogate me about my love life.”

“Since when can’t you walk and talk?”

“I can, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

“That means you didn’t ask him,” She shook her head and frowned at him. “Boo, you have to bring him.”

“I can’t.” He wouldn’t.

“If you don’t, Nonna is gonna fuss.”

“Pffft. You’re crazy. This is your wedding. She won’t even notice.”

“Now you’re being delusional. After how he took down Elliott’s mom at dinner, Nonna is convinced you two are next to get married.”

“That’s ridiculous. Even if that’s true, it’ll pass.”

“No, boo. It won’t. She’s gonna stress over it.”

“She’ll get over it.” He couldn’t keep faking it to keep her happy. “I’ll tell her we broke up.”

“Please don’t do that.” She stared at the table and exhaled. “You’ve been Nonna’s ‘dear boy’ since you opened your eyes. I don’t want her sad on my wedding day. Please ask him?”

“C’mon, E. Don’t do this.”

“Why not? You guys are so good together.”

More than she knew. “He’s not . . . he’s still in love with his ex.”

“That’s such crap, boo.”

“No, it’s not. It’s the truth.” Nico had talked to E about everything, but this time he struggled. “I mean, this morning, we were talking about . . . stuff—”

“Talking about how you two had sex last night.” She rolled her eyes as if talking about him and Luke having sex wasn’t awkward for him. “Go on.”

“We were talking about stuff, and he brings up Kent. Talk about ice water on a mood.”

Elisa made a face as she mulled over what he’d said. The fact she didn’t immediately say he was crazy told him all he needed to know.

“See? It’s a problem. And every time Kent calls, Luke runs off to help. I mean, come on. The asshat cheated on him. If that isn’t reason enough to tell him to fuck off, nothing is.”

“You need to tell him how you feel.”

“Right.” Nico rolled his eyes. “I can start by singing ‘Feelings’ first.”

She smacked his arm. “Don’t be such a troglodyte. I’m serious.”

“I am too. I’m not going to tell him I want to discuss my fears.”

“Why not? Afraid?”